I got hungry last night and made shishkies with tri-tip roast instead of steak. I prefer them with more tender beef, though. Next time I am going to put fresh pineapple in the skewers, too.
posted on July 28, 2013 6:59 AM ()
I have to put your house and Jeri's on my 'DO NOT VISIT' list if I don't want to weight 300 pounds.
I can almost smell 'em cookin'...
They look so good. A great alternative to our usual fare.
Do you have company or do you eat them each night till they are gone, or do you wrap and freeze. Inquiring minds want to know.
Now, that's a good dinner idea - time to fire up the grill. I bought some tri-tip the other day, and it was chewier than usual.
I cannot remember the last time that I had those.Looks yummy