1. I shaved off my beard. The 35-year-old mustache remains.
2. It began to snow today around noon. We already have an inch of wet snow.
3. It always snows in Spring, fool.
4. I am hungry but today is my fast day, moved to Friday because last Monday was corned beef and cabbage.
5. I saw a bald eagle near my house early this morning, waiting for the squirrels. The squirrels know where it is.
6. When predator birds are present, my squirrels know that I won't bait them out of their nests with peanuts.
7. Yesterday I bought a stick of Forever postage stamps (the little sheets of self-adhesive ones) and laid the sheet on my mail stack last night.
8. I wrote three checks this morning but couldn't find those stamps.
9. I found the chewed-up stamp sheet near the cat bowls. I managed to save three stamps.
10. At the post office they refused to trade the damaged stamps for replacements. And they say THEY need to raise the price of stamps again this summer! PRIVATIZE THE U.S.P.S. so they can make a damned profit!
11. I thawed a tri-tip roast for tonight's pot roast. Screw fasting. I will invite Uncle Jim.
12. The cats owe me $10 for those stamps. I'll take it out of their treat fund. There is $17.50 in it now.
13. Baseball is ten days away.
I'm done. Have a happy whatever it is.
1. I cut my hair
2. It was 80 degrees at 11am and sunny as all get-out
3. It never snows here in S. Pas...
4. I was hungry until we ate top sirloin and salmon steaks
5. I saw a teeny squirrel capturing the hearts of people walking by...
6. When cats are freed from their apartments, the squirrels take a hike
7. Thursday, I bought a book of Forever stamps...
8. Friday, I mailed off 3 cards to loved ones
9. Saturday, I packed up my art bag and drove to the South Bay
10. Tonight, I blog.
11. Tomorrow, I hand-write letters to loved ones.
12. Monday, I call the Aquent Agency.