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Men Are From Mars....

Life & Events > I'm Stimulated; Thanks George!

I'm Stimulated; Thanks George!

Ole GWB finally sent my stimulus check! I didn't have any plans for it, but it just so happens that we had my buddy check a squeak coming from the truck this morning, and although the squeak was no big deal, he took a look at the breaks and freaked.

This is the guy who had called the guys crooks at the local shop where we took the truck for inspection. They wanted to fail the rotors due to rust. Today my buddy said that he'd fail it too. So we need new rotors and pads. Now, this is no toy truck, and you don't order parts online and put them in yourself, so the job will be in the 800 dollar range unless they can salvage the front pads. Oh well, the stimulus was nice while it lasted! On the bright side, the rest of the truck is in good shape for going on 6 years old. Although I should mention that we only just passed the 7100 mile mark. And that's not a typo, only two zeros--7100 miles on an '02!

The weld on the lawn mower handle seems to be holding, so I got away with a fix there for only 10 bucks. The weather has been on the cool side, so I've been able to keep mowing down to every 10 days. With gas costing what it does, that's a damn good thing!

Except for the cuke plants, the garden looks pretty pathetic. I weeded and sprayed for bugs, and put some slug bait around, but the cool weather hasn't helped. Have to wait and see, but at this rate, any tomatoes that do materialize won't be ripe by September and it will be the same as last year--a bag of green tomatoes slowly ripening.

Donna is getting a pair of rabbits tomorrow. She has already borrowed one of the dog crates to keep them in until she can get a real rabbit cage. Guess who was elected to clean it (but didn't). I already feed dogs and frogs every morning, so feeding a couple of buns won't be any big deal. Speaking of Donna... If you haven't seen her post about squatters, have a look.

Oh, and one other thing... If you saw my post about the unopened pistachio nut... I sent it back to the company as I said I would. That's what they say to do if you find an unopened nut, and they'll send you a free box of pistachios. Two days after I mailed it, the envelope came back with a sticker on it from the post office.... said I needed to add 75 cents additional postage, since the nut made the envelope too fat and it was no longer a letter, it was now a parcel. Oh well, Donna took it to a different PO, and they only charge an addition 41 cents! That was a few days ago, and I haven't seen it since. So.....

As always....

posted on June 24, 2008 7:13 PM ()


I had to come all the way back here for one I haven't answered yet! The bunnies are really cute! You are a good dad to them, Donna says! I think it's really hot everywhere. Hope you luck on your garden. One nut makes it a parcel!
comment by sunlight on July 4, 2008 11:50 AM ()
Our check is gone already too. Easy come, easy go. The weeding in our garden is getting to be ridiculous. It just keeps raining here and the weeds are growing faster than the veggies.
comment by shesaidwhat on June 30, 2008 10:01 AM ()
It's been super hot here..upper 90's...but haven't had a lot of rain. Are the rabbits going to be pets?
comment by elfie33 on June 28, 2008 3:57 PM ()
How come the brakes are so bad with that low mileage? You don't ride the brake do you?
comment by troutbend on June 26, 2008 3:16 PM ()
Funny but most of us had a place to put that check. Good luck with the gardening. I have two tomatoes in pots.
comment by elderjane on June 26, 2008 8:29 AM ()
Hi John! I came to visit you. You have a lot of nice animal friends. You and Donna are good to them. I'm glad they have you both as friends. I don't eat tomatoes. They don't give me much human food since they heard it was bad for doggies. I like human food.
from Waterloo
comment by waterloo on June 25, 2008 11:09 AM ()
We got ours about a week and a half ago. It was so nice to get that check too. Glad yours came in. Hope you are having a nice evening John.
comment by texastar on June 24, 2008 7:37 PM ()

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