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Men Are From Mars....

Life & Events > Welcome to Spring!

Welcome to Spring!

Yup, Spring has finally arrived in Delaware County New York! It's usually a few weeks behind the calendar! The ground is still a bit too swampy to get much done outside, but it hasn't rained for a few days, and it's beginning to dry out now. The tiger lilies are sprouting, and maybe by tomorrow I can get out and start raking.

This afternoon was shirt sleeve weather, and I got all the house plants repotted after we got back from a quick run to town. It was just a nice day to be outside! And no road salt to splash all over the truck! Wonderful!

I BBQed a top round London broil for dinner on the new grill and it finally came out done well enough to suit Donna. I just cut beef into two portions these days and start her half cooking first. The new grill is smaller than the old one and cooks more slowly, but that turns out to be a good thing. Gets it done well enough without blackening the outside of the meat too much.

Donna has to go away for a few days, so I'll probably be BBQing lamb chops every night! That's about the only thing that she won't eat, except for liver, and I won't eat that either.

The RV batteries are charged and I'll have them on the rig in a day or two. I like to get the water tank filled ASAP--just in case of a flood or power failure. We'll have hot water for showers and dishes, and plenty of drinking water. I learned my lesson in '06 when the flood came and the trailer tank wasn't ready. If there's one thing I miss in the morning when I can't have it, it's a hot shower.

I'm running Windows 98 on this machine, and yesterday morning when I booted up, I got a "change the clock" notice. Congress finally got something right when they changed the starting weekend for DST. It feels as if we've actually had a few extra weeks of "not winter". Really cool!

posted on Apr 7, 2008 6:12 PM ()


Spring has sprung here too! It's supposed to be in the seventies today!
comment by hayduke on Apr 10, 2008 9:42 AM ()
I love trucks... always wanted to drive an 18 wheeler. I did have the opportunity to ride in one, many many moons ago and loved every minute of it. Such power...
comment by artisticgypsy on Apr 10, 2008 7:03 AM ()
BBQ'd steak....yum!! I love that, especially medium rare.
comment by hopefields on Apr 10, 2008 2:54 AM ()
mmmmmmmmmm barbecue sounds wonderful
comment by elfie33 on Apr 9, 2008 7:56 PM ()
I'm glad to know someone else who really likes lamb. Ohhhh... grilled lamb chops.... can't be those for a great meal!!!! I grew up on a sheep ranch, so of course, I learned to love lamb. Now my taste buds are tingling and my mouth is watering.
comment by anniel on Apr 9, 2008 7:15 PM ()
Have a good evening!
comment by pecan on Apr 9, 2008 7:14 PM ()
I do not take it hard.Just depressed about the whole things.
That what they say that is coming.Tomorrow whoopeeee ding supposed to be
the warmest day of the week.The rest is all down hill.
Drats,time to have a drink.I cannot handle this.
comment by fredo on Apr 9, 2008 2:42 PM ()
I'm so glad spring has sprung for you! And, Donna is one of the "Make sure there's no pink on the inside" people? My husband likes it well done, too. I like it kind of red inside... well, a lot red. I haven't had lamb in a good long time, but I do like liver! Have you had chicken liver in a kind of pate, I think... I'm not sure what it's called, but it's mashed up and mixed with onions and mayo and mustard and maybe some other stuff. My cooking is very varied... depending on what's in the fridge.
comment by sunlight on Apr 9, 2008 12:12 AM ()
So glad Spring is finally putting in an appearance. Our weather has been nice here for most of the time this past month, though we do still have some chilly days thrown in.
comment by redimpala on Apr 8, 2008 5:15 PM ()
Not yet here.Still cold.Have to scrape the frost off the car.
Still waiting.Spring are you serious.
comment by fredo on Apr 8, 2008 2:11 PM ()
I grill lamb chops all the time too!! My wife likes 'em that way best, tho' I prefer doing it in the crock pot 'cause they just fall off the bone then. 3 cheers for spring!!
comment by looserobes on Apr 8, 2008 7:20 AM ()
You write so very well making your post enjoyable to read. Lamb chops--I have never tried lamb--they are such beautiful little creatures. Oh me, I may have to became a veggie person!
comment by angiedw on Apr 8, 2008 2:41 AM ()
It's getting better here, almost all the snow is gone and it was in the 60's on Saturday and Sunday...we took our wheatens on a long nature stroll!
comment by strider333 on Apr 7, 2008 6:52 PM ()
yeah, I like the time changing earlier. I love daylight!!!
It sure doesn't feel like spring in DC!
comment by kristilyn3 on Apr 7, 2008 6:47 PM ()

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