This afternoon was shirt sleeve weather, and I got all the house plants repotted after we got back from a quick run to town. It was just a nice day to be outside! And no road salt to splash all over the truck! Wonderful!
I BBQed a top round London broil for dinner on the new grill and it finally came out done well enough to suit Donna. I just cut beef into two portions these days and start her half cooking first. The new grill is smaller than the old one and cooks more slowly, but that turns out to be a good thing. Gets it done well enough without blackening the outside of the meat too much.
Donna has to go away for a few days, so I'll probably be BBQing lamb chops every night! That's about the only thing that she won't eat, except for liver, and I won't eat that either.
The RV batteries are charged and I'll have them on the rig in a day or two. I like to get the water tank filled ASAP--just in case of a flood or power failure. We'll have hot water for showers and dishes, and plenty of drinking water. I learned my lesson in '06 when the flood came and the trailer tank wasn't ready. If there's one thing I miss in the morning when I can't have it, it's a hot shower.
I'm running Windows 98 on this machine, and yesterday morning when I booted up, I got a "change the clock" notice. Congress finally got something right when they changed the starting weekend for DST. It feels as if we've actually had a few extra weeks of "not winter". Really cool!