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Entertainment > Humor > Recent Quips from Late Night (5/05/08)

Recent Quips from Late Night (5/05/08)

"President Bush announced the rebate checks for at least $600. ... I'm going to use my check to buy enough gas to drive to the bank and cash it. And then maybe back. The rebates were pushed through by the president to help get the economy going. It's kind of like when the mom of the kid nobody likes bakes everyone cupcakes so you can pretend to like him until the cupcakes are gone, and then you go back to giving him wedgies." --Jimmy Kimmel

"Tomorrow I go to Washington D.C. to perform at the White House Correspondents Dinner. It's thrown by the press corps for the president and his staff. Everyone who works for the president will be there. Dick Cheney will be there; Condoleezza Rice will be there; Fox News will be there." --Craig Ferguson

"And Barack Obama is suffering from a bad headache today. His former pastor, Reverend Wright, is back out there. Reverend Wright gave an interview earlier tonight on PBS with Bill Moyers, and he said he's gotten over a million emails and phone calls telling him to keep on speaking out, and every one of them came from Hillary Clinton. It was amazing." --Jay Leno

"I like John McCain. Do you like John McCain? He looks like the guy that forgets to roll up his windows at the car wash. ... He looks like the guy who yells 'Okay, who touched the darkness control on the toaster?'" --David Letterman

"Big day at the White House today. I've got to mention this. Today, at the White House, President Bush was busy. President Bush signed a proclamation declaring this Malaria Awareness Week. There was an awkward moment when, during the ceremony, Bush said, 'This is a great day for all Malarians.'" --Conan O'Brien

"Well, campaigning in Indiana today, Hillary Clinton, once again, up to her old tricks. She told the crowd that she's a lifelong Colts fan, and recalled that when she was a little girl, her father taught her how to drive an Indy car. 'I remember racing around at the track.'" --Jay Leno

"President Bush says that the $300 rebate we've been promised, the rebate checks from the government, will finally be mailed out on Monday. It's nice. Good news, yeah. Then Americans can decide whether to save the $300 or use it to buy half a tank of gas. You're right, that was more sad than funny. Ha ha ha. We're screwed" --Conan O'Brien

"And of course, the really good news for liberals, Hillary Clinton won Pennsylvania! I remember when she used to be the big liberal. I guess things have changed. But she did, come on, you've gotta give it up for Hillary. She won it, again. I know, it's pesky. She keeps winning. She won in Pennsylvania, and the next day, she raised 10 million dollars. That's a lot of lolly. And her supporters said they would have donated that money sooner, but there was a purse at Nordstrom they just had to have." --Bill Maher

posted on May 5, 2008 6:21 AM ()


Malarians!!!! I could see that happening for sure...

And the fox news bit, well I left a gov't contracting job last year and every office on the secretary's floor had TV's all tuned to Fox News. If you tried a different news station you were yelled at...
comment by kristilyn3 on May 7, 2008 8:45 AM ()
The late night talk shows have the best jokes!!
comment by sunlight on May 5, 2008 11:32 PM ()
Great comments! Thanks for sharing!
comment by redimpala on May 5, 2008 7:45 PM ()
Too funny!! I enjoy watching Craig Ferguson.
comment by texastar on May 5, 2008 3:44 PM ()
Thanks, sometimes you need to laugh at the hard times.
comment by teacherwoman on May 5, 2008 3:20 PM ()
These are good. I can't ever stay up late enough at night to ever catch any of these shows!!
comment by dakmom on May 5, 2008 3:18 PM ()
'This is a great day for all Malarians.'
comment by nittineedles on May 5, 2008 3:07 PM ()
comment by angiedw on May 5, 2008 11:24 AM ()
Those were great.Thanks.
comment by fredo on May 5, 2008 9:31 AM ()

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