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Men Are From Mars....

Life & Events > If a Picture is Worth a Thousand Words ... ..

If a Picture is Worth a Thousand Words ... ..

...then what is a video worth. I'd cut the first few minutes off this video if I could, but you can always skip ahead if you get board. This was taken at 4C Camp for Adults last weekend. Needless to say, I had a great time!

I can say a few words about other activities, but nothing compares to that. I thought those ladies wouldn't let a camera anywhere near the activity, but apparently I was mistaken. It was a blast!

We had other workshops of interest: I even took sewing so I could make a few new dog bed covers for the boys. In addition was Cemetery Art. Sounds like a strange workshop, but it is extremely interesting. I took it last year also. We took a walking tour of some of the local cemeteries where the graves date back the the 1700. Famous people buried around here also, mostly from the Civil War. The leader is a registered nurse, but cemetery history and grave stone cleaning has been her passion for 20 years. She explains how stones were engraved and how you can tell the time period just by the phrases used: "Here lies so-and-so" as opposed to "Here lies the body of so-and-so." I have a video segment from last year on youtube that I'll locate if anybody is interested in seeing more. Mean while, here's a pic of the instructor... Well hell, I did a multi upload of pics and this one is missing... Sooooo

Here's a frame form the video for those who can't view it:


Ok, one more:

Ah... can't leave this one out....

Meanwhile, in other news,

They say that fire wood keeps ya warm all year long and they ain't lying. This is about 7 cords of firewood just waiting for my attention. Can't upload the other log pics, but I did find the cemetery lady:


4C Camp for Adults has many other workshop: stuff for men and stuff for woman, and sometimes they cross over, but we can do that at our age. Welding was very popular and I took part in the woodworking workshop where we built 4 benches to donate to the local shelter. Donna and I delivered them on Thursday and the Director was delighted. This is the shelter where we walk dogs and the benches are placed along the nature trail for dog walkers and community members to enjoy.

It's been a fun summer-that-wasn't. Highest temp was 86 on 6 July and we've only seen low 80s a few times since. The garden was totally trashed by critters (which I may have mentioned previously)although we are harvesting enough to pay for the seeds and the labor. I'll be looking for new hobbies to pass the long winter and my first choice is selling on ebay. I'll list a bird's next just to get started since there's no real loos no matter what happens. LOL I tried listing it once and the ebay censors misunderstood and sent me a warning about posting things "made from birds". I called and explained that it was made BY a bird, not from one, so there is no mark against my record.

I'd be cutting and splitting wood toady, but it's finally raining. We actually need a bit. Maybe it will revitalize the garden. Usually tomatoes that aren't ripe by September don't make it, but the next few days should be warm, so maybe, just maybe....

Have a great Autumn (even tho it's extremely hot in some places). But summer is unofficially over here.

posted on Aug 31, 2014 11:35 AM ()


seems you enjoyed the camp jjhon , nothing like that here except for the mens shed
comment by kevinshere on Sept 1, 2014 6:15 PM ()
That camp does sound fun... I'm glad you all enjoy it.
Also happy you explained cemetery art! Ha
comment by kristilyn3 on Sept 1, 2014 12:21 PM ()
Hey, John, you're living the good life. Go, man. The ladies are a hoot.
comment by tealstar on Sept 1, 2014 7:53 AM ()
That looks like so much fun. I love the dancers I have had beautiful
peppers and more tomatoes than we need but I can always give them away. It
is so hot and we need rain. I just came back in from watering.
comment by elderjane on Aug 31, 2014 2:01 PM ()
Yeah, you're the one who had said something about 100 degrees. I thought you only had one tomato plant? You can always skin them and freeze them. Laura posted the instructions for easy tomato sauce years ago and I've been doing it ever since. Mine comes out a bit watery, probably because I don't cook it long enough, but we don't prefer sauce so we only need it to wet the spaghetti.
reply by jjoohhnn on Aug 31, 2014 3:50 PM ()
BETTER WATCH IT JOHN--A FEW WERE AFTER YOU! (especially that one in the ornage top and white skirt!!!
comment by greatmartin on Aug 31, 2014 1:24 PM ()
Interesting observation. That's Bobbi. We would have been serious drinking buddies in the old days.
reply by jjoohhnn on Aug 31, 2014 1:29 PM ()

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