Today being Valentine's Day Donna and I decided to hit the Midtown Grill in Delhi, a local establishment that I have been wanting to try for quite some time.
We arrived for lunch at around 2 pm and the place was empty. Not a surprise at that hour. Dinner started at four today although they don't usually serve dinner on Tuesday, but today is an exception. So anyway, The server, who is probably related to the chef brought the lunch menu and returned for our order before we had decided. We ended up each ordering the entree pictured below and we never did get to try the starters that we were still contemplating when our order was taken. We'll probably go back next month for my birthday... but I digress again.
The plates arrived and the food was delicious. You can see the size of the burger itself and also in the roll along with lettuce and tomato was pastrami and bacon--the porky burger--house signature dish.
We did opt for dessert and coffee but as you can see, I forget to take the camera out in time so we half-devoured the volcano cake which we shared and which was also delicious.
We don't have groupons or anything like that around here so lunch came in at just under $40 which is on the high side. But the reason I say well go back next month is because the staff and chef are eager to please. The business and the chef each have a facebook page and the chef is happy to do special orders. So if I want lamb for my birthday, all I have to do is send him a pm on fb a few days before and I'll have what I want.
So considering that we don't dine out often, it was a fun time. And with the help of some of Donna's fries, I didn't leave hungry.
Ok, Martin, I'll know you'll critique this even if I don't ask, so I'll ask first. How'd I do. Oh, I just realized that I forgot to describe volcano cake. It was a perfectly cooked chocolate cake with no little round hard ring on the bottom filled with some kind of hot liquid chocolate that I forgot the name of. French vanilla ice cream on the side and whipped cream also on the sides. What else?