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Men Are From Mars....

Life & Events > Jim's Wood Got Me Daydreaming!

Jim's Wood Got Me Daydreaming!

Yup, he's got the right idea; it was one of those days. Nothing much better to do than watch the fire. Every time the sun tried to come out a band of lake-effect snow came blowing by. You guys in Michigan really need to do something about getting those things frozen. It's been colder than a witches' left one around here, but do the lakes freeze? Nooooooo.

We've had a few below zero nights already and it's only supposed to get worse. I don't mind the cold too much, that is, I'd rather have cold than 90 degrees in the summer. But I can't wash the truck when the high doesn't get out of the 20s. Dirt and salt, about the worst combination possible.

I read Jim's (hayduke) post about wood before and it got me daydreaming about the days after my truckload of logs was delivered. It was warm (not hot) and sunny! Yeah! I could go for one of those days now! My buddy has the chain saw with him to sharpen both chains. I have enough wood left that I already cut into 3 foot lengths to get me started in the spring! But I'm ready to get started NOW!

I also have some leftover seeds from years gone by that I intend to plant indoors this spring. It won't be long before I can get them going even tho we don't plant most croups outside until Memorial Day. Yeah, I know... summer is half over by Memorial Day for some of you guys, but that's how it goes in Delaware County--Summer and everything else.

We still haven't been out to shoot Donna's new firearm, but she's getting a bit anxious! I have to ask around tomorrow at the Think Tank and find a place where we can shoot legally.

So, that how it is, pass time until spring. But the days are getting longer, and it's less than two weeks before the sun sets at 5p.m.. Another 60 days and the clocks "spring" ahead! Now that's a sure sign of spring.

Have a nice winter...

posted on Jan 8, 2009 3:35 PM ()


I'm about 100 miles south of Lake Michigan, so we miss the lake effect snow for the most part. But it's still cold and very winterlike. Spring can't come soon enough. What seeds do you plant indoors?
comment by solitaire on Jan 12, 2009 6:04 AM ()
wood fires are the greatest because you get really warm.
comment by elderjane on Jan 11, 2009 2:33 PM ()
Great picture there,loved it.
We are going in a deep freeze so here with the wind making it much colder.
But not to hasty about it.Looking at the other states having so much problems.Fire,Flood,etc.
comment by fredo on Jan 9, 2009 10:33 AM ()
I had a 16-gauge Browning automatic shotgun once and sold it when I realized I didn't want to kill anything. As for target practice, I did archery for a while. But I have always been a city girl and none of these pursuits suit city living.
comment by tealstar on Jan 9, 2009 9:28 AM ()
cool pic of the dog and the fire...dogs are so amazing. I swear mine watches TV.
Anyhow....just keep thinking will come eventually...
comment by sybilmariee on Jan 9, 2009 2:01 AM ()
oh I like that, 60 days and the clocks spring ahead! WAHOO!!!
I hope you enjoy your fire... I so wish I had a fireplace!!!
comment by kristilyn3 on Jan 8, 2009 6:45 PM ()
Well, Jim didn't know what it was with guys and wood... Do you? (Wait... I think he said, women and cooking.) I know that Donna will be ecstatic to get some shooting in. I've only done a teeny bit, but then I live in the city so there's only a target range, to which I don't want to go. Well... good luck!
comment by sunlight on Jan 8, 2009 5:06 PM ()

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