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Men Are From Mars....

Life & Events > All I Can Eat?

All I Can Eat?

Like one other greaser who comes to mind, food is one of my favorite things. This isn't a restaurant review, since odds of you being in Oneonta NY are slim, but I will briefly describe the experience.

Seems like all these places are very similar, at least in out-of-the-City NY. When the hotel in which this place is located changed hands a few years ago. A few native Chinese folks were walking the floor and supervising changes made to the decor. It was an improvement, but the place was so empty today at 2:30 that I didn't want to bee so obvious taking pictures. But take my word for it this time: the tables are covered with cloth under glass and the hostess offers "table or booth?". Donna chose table.

We usually order water as the beverage (I use the broth from the won ton soup) which in my opinion is undrinkable. Oneonta is a small city, but its water is chlorinated and I can't deal with that (one of the nice things about having a well at home).

All of my favorite foods (except wings) were in stock, although not as hot as they would have been during busy hours. But I left the place well satisfied.

The second plate is Donna's--she only had one + desert (which she wouldn't let me photograph).

image image image image

On a less pleasant note: I went out to run the gen, which I do every month and get the mower ready for the first mow which should be in two weeks. The gen ran out of gas and won't restart, and the mower ran and wouldn't restart after I turned it off. My buddy is coming by tomorrow (he got called to the hospital a day early to see about getting his catheter out. He's the guy with bladder cancer). He thinks the mower is an easy fix. I hope he's right, cuz I don't. It's obviously electrical and I don't know where to start. I checked the wires for squirrel damage and didn't find anything wrong.

Donna had another EKG and the results indicate that she had some sort of a heart attack around the time of the first surgery in October. Not sure how much (if any) damage was done. Her general provider really needs to get her a referral to a specialist if for nothing else than to make a plan to keep it from happening again. We both saw the ophthalmologist today and passed. So we're good for another six months although the doc suggest some vitamins for Donna including one that is advertised on TV. Doc says they come in generic.

We bought a 39 inch TV to replace the 32 inch which didn't last long at all (I'd get rid of the TV but princess has to have it). The main selling point is that it has a headphone jack: Id doesn't, but they are suggesting ways to make the necessary connection. Gotta get back to searching for components.

Donna is busting my balls about "all the typing", am I writing to a woman... so I'll tell ya something: she wouldn't let me photograph her desert because it was ice cream in a soup bowl! :) Read that honey!

Happy spring!

posted on Apr 11, 2013 5:06 PM ()


ah the playful banter of love. This post made me hungry. Although everything makes me hungry these days. I hope all is well with the mower and generator!
comment by kristilyn3 on Apr 16, 2013 8:37 AM ()
Mower is fine! Gen, no so good yet. But there on things on those plates that you wouldn't eat.
reply by jjoohhnn on Apr 17, 2013 3:50 PM ()
Thankfully we have two excellent authentic Chinese restaurants in the area that serve great tasting and inexpensive buffet for around $5.60. Spicy as hell, but so good.
comment by jaydensblog on Apr 12, 2013 12:51 PM ()
If they were authentic you wouldn't be giving them praise. The Chinese these places serve is all Americanized. Watch what the hostesses eat.
reply by jjoohhnn on Apr 13, 2013 2:51 PM ()
My favorite Chinese delicacies are crab rangoons and vegetable egg rolls.
Donna has a will of iron. When faced with a great buffet, I ignore my
chub. Take good care of her, the heart attack is scary.
comment by elderjane on Apr 12, 2013 9:06 AM ()
Yup, she's been sticking with it for 5+ years. I guess it's like sobriety: the longer you do it the easier it gets. I want her to see a cardiologist even tho the other doc says it's over. What caused it (He thinks stress), what will prevent another one? How much damage was done.... It needs closure.
reply by jjoohhnn on Apr 13, 2013 8:07 AM ()
Thanks for fine dining tip. It's hard for me to get away but when i do, it's Manhattan I mus go to, and no shortage of fabulous restaurants.
comment by tealstar on Apr 12, 2013 5:24 AM ()
I still remember the gyros I used to get at a place on 59th street and that was 40 years ago. So much food I haven't tasted. There some sort of cart that has replaced the dirty-water hot dogs. Muslim, I think, but I can't remember what the food is. I get emails from my buddy who moved back to Long Island. They go to China Town and new restaurants. Yup, can't beat the City for food!
reply by jjoohhnn on Apr 13, 2013 8:04 AM ()
I still haven't had my annual birthday Chinese food. What else would one eat ice cream out of....the bucket? Speaking of ice cream, I didn't get any of that for my birthday either.
comment by nittineedles on Apr 12, 2013 12:27 AM ()
No bucket. It's soft ice cream from a machine. It might actually be some sort of yogurt or something which is why she's not afraid to eat a lot of it.
reply by jjoohhnn on Apr 13, 2013 7:54 AM ()
It all looks good, much fresher than our local Chinese buffet. Many years ago we drove through upstate New York and had breakfast in Oneonta - hash browns and eggs over easy, so you can imagine what kind of mom and pop place it must have been, and it was no doubt on the main road going through town.

Don't you just cringe to think of the junk that sucked into your motors from the bottoms of the gas tanks? How come your lawn is ready to mow so soon? Mine is still mostly brown with a tiny bit of green starting to show after the last snow storm. It was 12 degrees here yesterday, 45 degrees today.
comment by troutbend on Apr 11, 2013 11:55 PM ()
I used to spend time at a bar in Oneonta 40 years ago when one of the guys had access to a cabin where we stayed in Morris. Then I was absent from that scene for 30 years. Never could figure out where Grandma's (the bar) was or what's there now, but I suppose it really doesn't matter.

The lawn is not quite ready for mowing, but I'm not a procrastinator. If I don't have the tractor running I'll be doing the first mow with a 24 inch push mower. I'll be posting pics of present conditions... it's probably live by now...
reply by jjoohhnn on Apr 13, 2013 7:53 AM ()
your weather is having an identity crisis.
reply by tealstar on Apr 12, 2013 5:21 AM ()
Eating all you want and mowing the lawn just don't belong in the same blog.

By the way you would feel right at home--our buffets are exactly the same!
comment by greatmartin on Apr 11, 2013 5:09 PM ()
Hey! Riding the mower is such fun that Donna wants to cut the grass. I tell her that she either helps with the crappy work or she doesn't ride!
reply by jjoohhnn on Apr 13, 2013 7:32 AM ()
Guess I should have mentioned what's on the plates?

Won ton soup up top. Stuffed caps, a variety of chicken and whatever Donna has.
comment by jjoohhnn on Apr 11, 2013 5:07 PM ()

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