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Men Are From Mars....

Life & Events > Useless C S & Current Conditions

Useless C S & Current Conditions

Finally got my mower running! It's not quite time to mow, but I'm ready. My buddy came by to trouble shoot and several times we thought we found a simple answer. Fist a loose battery cable, then a chewed wire (by a critter), but finally I suggested we call the tech guy from Cub "just in case he knows something specific to the mower that we don't know". Any other way of suggesting it would have been a grand insult to a master mechanic.

So I get tech support on the line after ten minutes and describe the problem. "There ya go", he says, "it's the solenoid". So he gives me the part number and I thank him anyway and we set to removing the solenoid. The mower itself weights a few hundred pounds, so the last thing I wanted to do was haul it to the shop. I'd have to borrow a small trailer since it's too heavy to get into the bed of the Silverado.

So my buddy pulls the last bolt that holds the solenoid and I hear, "will look at this!" It was a %^#%&@#$ 20 amp fuse! This is why I wanted to call tech. That jerk should have known there was a fuse there. Not a word about "dead" in the manual either. So we put a 30 in there since that's what I had and the chewed wires were fixed, so the 30 should be safe until I get a 20.

No such luck with the gen tho. Hopefully that only needs a new spark plug. That's not as critical right now as the mower.

The truck has something going on in the left front wheel, but we didn't get to that either. I'd rather have this guy check it out first. Ya know damn well that a shop would say it's the most expensive thing if we take it in without a clue as to what's wrong.

Below are a few pics of the current growing season. I think it was Laura who asked in a comment to my last blog about the current stage of mowing. Most of the pics are self explanatory. There is one that shows garlic. The others are mostly tiger (day) lilies and ground cover.

Happy Spring! It has finally arrived!

Well, one of the pics got saved to the wrong directory or something, so here's 4.





posted on Apr 13, 2013 4:25 PM ()


Weird but that's what our ground looks like as well. I'd think we'd be ahead of ya!
comment by kristilyn3 on Apr 16, 2013 8:49 AM ()
Yeah, I had thought about moving down that way because it's warmer.
reply by jjoohhnn on Apr 17, 2013 3:52 PM ()
I am free of all that now that I have Henry but I remember the misery of
keeping the lawn mower going when we had two acres of yard to mow on the
farm. I have a small electric mower and if the lawn gets out of hand
before Henry is due, I go ahead and mow it.
comment by elderjane on Apr 14, 2013 9:42 AM ()
This will be the fourth season for the tractor and this is the first mishap. Can't complain too much. As I said to Martin below, I enjoy being outside in the summer and I prefer to have a purpose. Swaying in a hammock isn't my thing. I only wish I had some wood to split, but I didn't buy logs.
reply by jjoohhnn on Apr 14, 2013 11:47 AM ()
Well, at least the tech told you what bolt to loosen. I will never know what a solenoid is and think I will do okay anyway.
comment by tealstar on Apr 14, 2013 6:51 AM ()
Well, no, not exactly. He said the problem was the solenoid, which it isn't. He didn't say anything about taking it out although that might have been helpful. For example, had he said, "Remove the bolts on the housing that contains the fuse!"
reply by jjoohhnn on Apr 14, 2013 11:45 AM ()
I put my back out vacuuming and DH wants me to mow the lawn. I told him
comment by nittineedles on Apr 14, 2013 1:12 AM ()
Well, if you lived closer I'd send Donna to do it. But you better have a rider!
reply by jjoohhnn on Apr 14, 2013 11:43 AM ()
If I tried to push our mechanized lawn mower even one foot, I'd be in bed a week. We could use a riding mower, but that's up to him. Glad you "sort of" explained you wouldn't go for it. I also have back trouble when I vacuum and I have no shame. I will pick up cat hair by hand. A vaccuum cleaner salesman asked me once how often I vacuum and I said, hmmm, about every December. He was dumbstruck.
reply by tealstar on Apr 14, 2013 6:48 AM ()
Wouldn't it be cheaper just to hire someone to mow the lawn????
comment by greatmartin on Apr 13, 2013 5:03 PM ()
And thereby hangs a ... an untrimmed bush. If it was just a matter of running a mower it might be cheaper. But the mower pays for itself after a few years of that, and those guys don't weed whack or trim bushes unless you want to bay big bucks! Then it much cheaper to DIY. So I do. I love spending time outside during the summer and it's best when I have a purpose. Swinging in a hammock just isn't my thing.
reply by jjoohhnn on Apr 14, 2013 11:41 AM ()
Ed gets upset when I suggest that. We have Cemetery Gary who comes by periodically and, without being asked, mows our lawn. Then we pay him. I love Cemetery Gary. Sometimes he even trims bushes. Now that Ed is busy 24/7 with his guardian duties, he really should just put the guy on a schedule.
reply by tealstar on Apr 14, 2013 6:49 AM ()

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