Good thing!
A cold front came through and took us down to 18. My buddy at 2,000 feet had a low of 5. Those aren't records, but the contrast after the summer weather was noticeable, to say the least. There's a fire in the wood stove and keep that going for at least the next few days. Maybe I can start burning oil by next week. Heating season doesn't actually end around here, but usage will go way down in April and may when the sun shines and daytime temps are at least in the 50s.

Went to see the doc (PA) the other day for a four-month check and blood work results. He had already informed me by mail that the blood work was excellent. The only interesting test was the A1C which measures blood glucose over time. Even tho I had been diagnosed with diabetes years ago based on the results of a 2-hour glucose tolerance test, my A1C was again 5.7. Had it not been for the glucose tolerance test, diabetes wouldn't even be suspected with a 5.7.
I've been having a bit of shoulder and neck pain and tingling in my hand (etc, etc, etc...) and it was particularly bad that morning so he sent me for an x-ray. He called personally with the results yesterday. Something about compression in my neck.... Would I go for an MRI? Well... "What's the treatment?"
Injections, or PT.... I said I'd wait until it got to the point that I actually needed to treat it as long as I wasn't doing damage, which I'm not. I thought about the MRI later and remembered when they wanted an MRI of the blood vessels behind my eyes. Head first into the tube! NOPE! I freaked! Found an open MRI place and took a Valium and got through it, but I'm not ready to repeat that experience until I absolutely have too. So I'll try to remember to take a couple of aspirins when I need to.
I agreed to chair the Marketing Committee for 4C-Camp for Adults. My first task was to send out press releases letting the community know the dates for 4C-Camp for Adults this summer. Done! Oops... Got an email yesterday.... The dates that were first chosen aren't available, so the core group of campers must decide between two different weekends. I'll be waiting to hear... then issue new press releases making the correction... Not complaining, really, it's another chance for name recognition! LOL Not mine, 4C-Camp for Adults'
One last item...
Have you tried Google Earth?
This program is amazing!

That's a picture of the house I grew up in taken from my computer screen! The image isn't in real time, it was taken in 2011 so accuracy isn't guaranteed, and you can't see anything immediate, like a fire in progress, but you can see far away places without leaving the keyboard! I've looked at other places too. Some of them are more difficult to get a clear look at, but things like this, a house on an open street, are easy!
Well, so far today we've had a few minutes of sun and a few claps of thunder... enjoy whatever you're having at the moment..... summer?