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Men Are From Mars....

Life & Events > Cold Thunder, Google Earth and 4c-camp for Adults

Cold Thunder, Google Earth and 4c-camp for Adults

We had summer for a few weeks. Didn't quite hit 80, but 77 is a good high--for June or July. I've only been living in Delaware County for 10 years, but I knew better than to get carried away and plant anything. I did pull the mulch off the perennials, since they were determined to sprout, but that's as far as that went.

Good thing!

A cold front came through and took us down to 18. My buddy at 2,000 feet had a low of 5. Those aren't records, but the contrast after the summer weather was noticeable, to say the least. There's a fire in the wood stove and keep that going for at least the next few days. Maybe I can start burning oil by next week. Heating season doesn't actually end around here, but usage will go way down in April and may when the sun shines and daytime temps are at least in the 50s.


Went to see the doc (PA) the other day for a four-month check and blood work results. He had already informed me by mail that the blood work was excellent. The only interesting test was the A1C which measures blood glucose over time. Even tho I had been diagnosed with diabetes years ago based on the results of a 2-hour glucose tolerance test, my A1C was again 5.7. Had it not been for the glucose tolerance test, diabetes wouldn't even be suspected with a 5.7.

I've been having a bit of shoulder and neck pain and tingling in my hand (etc, etc, etc...) and it was particularly bad that morning so he sent me for an x-ray. He called personally with the results yesterday. Something about compression in my neck.... Would I go for an MRI? Well... "What's the treatment?"

Injections, or PT.... I said I'd wait until it got to the point that I actually needed to treat it as long as I wasn't doing damage, which I'm not. I thought about the MRI later and remembered when they wanted an MRI of the blood vessels behind my eyes. Head first into the tube! NOPE! I freaked! Found an open MRI place and took a Valium and got through it, but I'm not ready to repeat that experience until I absolutely have too. So I'll try to remember to take a couple of aspirins when I need to.

I agreed to chair the Marketing Committee for 4C-Camp for Adults. My first task was to send out press releases letting the community know the dates for 4C-Camp for Adults this summer. Done! Oops... Got an email yesterday.... The dates that were first chosen aren't available, so the core group of campers must decide between two different weekends. I'll be waiting to hear... then issue new press releases making the correction... Not complaining, really, it's another chance for name recognition! LOL Not mine, 4C-Camp for Adults'

One last item...

Have you tried Google Earth?

This program is amazing!

That's a picture of the house I grew up in taken from my computer screen! The image isn't in real time, it was taken in 2011 so accuracy isn't guaranteed, and you can't see anything immediate, like a fire in progress, but you can see far away places without leaving the keyboard! I've looked at other places too. Some of them are more difficult to get a clear look at, but things like this, a house on an open street, are easy!

Well, so far today we've had a few minutes of sun and a few claps of thunder... enjoy whatever you're having at the moment..... summer?

posted on Mar 28, 2012 8:08 AM ()


Hope you're feeling better. I'll take a gander at google earth. Cool!
comment by solitaire on Mar 30, 2012 5:35 AM ()
We are still having summer. My roses are blooming and I have a tomato that
wants to bloom. I can't quite believe it. A good remedy for neck and shoulder pain is Capsacian ointment. It doesn't smell but it leaves a general warmth that I find very soothing. Start with the lowest strength. It helps with arthritis. Ted loves google earth.
comment by elderjane on Mar 29, 2012 5:21 AM ()
I have some Voltaren Gel that I could try. The guy who gave it to me says it does wonders for his back. He also gets injections and wears a patch even tho he had nerves burned years ago. I have to remember to try it. I am always concerned about masking pain and then doing damage, but I guess that isn't going to happen.

I just read a comment somewhere about bugs. Was it you on somebody's page? No matter, my though was that we were told that the warm winter will increase the rodent and bug population. Now I'm thinking that the warm weather "woke them up" and 18 degrees the other night killed some of them off. Maybe...
reply by jjoohhnn on Mar 29, 2012 4:38 PM ()
People can see what your house looks like and describe it if they know your address... I guess that weirds me out???
comment by kristilyn3 on Mar 28, 2012 5:52 PM ()
Yup, I didn't know they had that much resolution around here until the siding contractor said "I looked at your house...." I'm usually careful about posting pictures that contain the front of the house or things like that... probably not too necessary.... You're right... it is something to be concerned about!
reply by jjoohhnn on Mar 29, 2012 4:34 PM ()
How did the picture get here??????????????????????????
Wonder where else it is?????
comment by greatmartin on Mar 28, 2012 1:54 PM ()
Ugh... no wonder you are having problems.....

I put it here, just to test the actual code that contains the picture. I wanted to see if the picture actually got uploaded to mybloggers, and obviously it had. I just saw it on your page, so I guess you're in good shape.
reply by jjoohhnn on Mar 28, 2012 2:43 PM ()
I looked at testing and testing again---I don't see my picture on either!

I lived in the Pelham Parkway are--there was the IRT which stopped at White Plains Road and I lived 8 blocks from that and there was the Dyer avenue stop on the 180th Street Pelham Bay line which was right across, up the hill, from 2157 Bogart avenue where I lived--Pelham had many, many 6-8 story buildings--I lived in 2: one on Wallace Avenue across from PS 105 when I was born and then we moved to 2181 Barnes avenue both 'high rises' and then moved to our private home on Bogart when I was about 8--OMG! 1944!! I must be getting old--NO! Wait! I AM OLD!
comment by greatmartin on Mar 28, 2012 1:30 PM ()
Your picture isn't on on your blog. It's on MINE. This one! Just scroll up above the comments. The picture was uploaded to mybloggers. The question now is why isn't the code working on your page. I tried to post on your page the code I used here, but it gets edited out.

Maybe I'll try and locate police precincts in the Bronx and see if any street names look familiar. How many precincts can there be in the Bronx. Ugh..
reply by jjoohhnn on Mar 28, 2012 1:40 PM ()
Do you know what area she lived in? Where do you go to the Bronx on google earth.?
comment by greatmartin on Mar 28, 2012 12:41 PM ()
I can't remember where in the Bronx she lived, just the el train and a police station between the train and her building. I tried Pelham Parkway, but that didn't even look close. No big apartment buildings.

I did find a el train going from Queens to the Bronx, which is what we would have been riding on, but once I left it in the Bronx I couldn't find it again.

BTW, look up! Your picture was definitely uploaded to mybloggers.
reply by jjoohhnn on Mar 28, 2012 12:59 PM ()
Google Earth is crazy. It's good and bad if you ask me. I am glad you got thru the MRI. I am with ya - no thanks!!!
comment by kristilyn3 on Mar 28, 2012 11:19 AM ()
What do you think are the bad aspects of Google Earth?
reply by jjoohhnn on Mar 28, 2012 1:00 PM ()
Yes,we are back to reality here in NH.Normal temp and this is the way I liked it.
Everyone got hyped on the warm weather and some even starting to plant seeds in their garden.Oh!well it was nice there for a change and nicer to be back to reality.
comment by fredo on Mar 28, 2012 9:44 AM ()
I like being outside in 50 and 60 degrees... great working weather. The good part was not burning fuel. I didn't have enough wood cut and I was trying to keep up. I like doing firewood, but keeping sharp chains for the saw is driving me nuts.
reply by jjoohhnn on Mar 28, 2012 10:12 AM ()
I can't take an MRI--even an open one--instant panic time!!!
I googled the home I was brought up in the Bronx in the 1940s and 50s--needless to say the whole block has changed.
We are having perfect Spring Break weather
comment by greatmartin on Mar 28, 2012 8:34 AM ()
I'd like to google Earth in the Bronx where my grandmother lived. My maw took us up there every week or so in the 50s and early 60s until granny died. It was a few blocks from an "el" station, but I can't remember which station or which train. The buildings were old then, with a dumbwaiter to haul coal to the upper floors for cooking. You could tell that electric was an after-thought, since it had the conduit mounted on the walls. I'd be amazing if those buildings are still standing, or inhabited, which I doubt, but I'd like to see it.
reply by jjoohhnn on Mar 28, 2012 9:41 AM ()

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