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Life & Events > 4c (Or) Geezer Camp

4c (Or) Geezer Camp

Last summer, Donna went off to adult camp for a few days in August. She read about it (I think) in the quarterly senior news paper from the Office of the Aging, and since I didn't know enough about it, I wasn't about to go.

I've been a tent camper and then an RVer for way too many years to sleep in some sort of a cabin, and I wasn't about to put the boyz in a kennel to go camping, especially since they like to camp as much as I do and it took a lot of time, medication and behavior modification to get Benny over his separation anxiety that he acquired when me and the ex spent time traveling between Delhi and the Motel we were selling on the other side of the mountains.

So, yesterday was the first meeting of the planning committees for the 2011 camping season at senior camp and Donna asked me to go. Several of the participants acknowledged that too many of last year's workshops and activities were geared toward women, and that will change this year. That was the other reason why I wasn't interested in going last year even if arrangements to bring an RV had been made clear.

The main purpose of Geezer Camp (aside from having a good time) is the 4Cs in the subject line--Camping to Create Caring Communities. The local chapters of AARP have gone belly-up in the past few years due to lack of interest, and this attempt, while not geared to seniors, is designed to build friendships at camp and to present workshops and projects that camp members can take back to the community during the year.

Somehow I ended up as administrator of the Facebook page for the camp and that caused me to become a member of the Marketing Committee, which is what I would have chosen anyway if I didn't fall into it. The web admin has to make a few changes at FB before I can post behind the 4C name, but if any of my fb friends would like to see the page in the meantime, here's a ink that should take you there.


Don't hesitate to "like" the page even if your not local. You never know who may see the link on your page and decide that such a camp would be an asset to their community.

Taking the RV isn't an issue although Donna is concerned about the boyz barking at nigh. LOL We can park 5 minutes away from the main camp, but that will be an issue too, so she'll have to learn to accept life on life's terms. I can't exactly say that I'm looking forward to camp, since summer will be almost over by then, but the next planning meeting of my committee is next month, and I'll be expected to have a strategy worked out on how to use FB for development. No problem!

This is year four for the camp, and there are hazards to growing it too fast. It needs to be small enough that people can interact with each other, but large enough to pay the bills. The goal is to add 15 campers this year, which should be easy.

I've been thinking about what sort of workshop I could do, but most of my experience is directed at college students and the academic environment, so I haven't thought of anything that translates to community building, but as with the committee membership, something may fall into place. There is plenty of time to learn new material before. Hopefully Donna can do something with her experience as an ombudsman for the county with the senior population. That is exactly the sort of thing people can learn about at a workshop and take into the community for the rest of the year, and Delaware County does have its fair share of seniors in nursing homes and senior housing.

Aside from that, the sun sets after 5 pm today, only a few seconds after, but after nonetheless. That's a full 33 minutes after the 4:27 when it sets on the shortest afternoon. Spring is coming even tho the below zero temps try to conceal the fact!

posted on Jan 23, 2011 10:38 AM ()


I've always thought it would be fun to travel in a really well-equipped RV, but Ed won't consider it. His idea of camping is slow room service in a 5-star hotel. When I was younger and more resilient I wouldn't have said no to an actual on the ground tent but those days have sailed.
comment by tealstar on Jan 24, 2011 3:48 PM ()
I looooove it when the days get longer!!! And that camping sounds fun. I need to go camping this summer...
comment by kristilyn3 on Jan 24, 2011 12:31 PM ()
Keep us posted on the camp. I think I'd feel the way you do, not something I'd sign up for on my own, but then I'd go and have a great time.
comment by troutbend on Jan 23, 2011 7:37 PM ()
They should keep this all year long.DLS
The hell with standard.
comment by fredo on Jan 23, 2011 1:28 PM ()
I will be sooo happy to get the daylight hours back to begin to enjoy the longer daylight
comment by augusta on Jan 23, 2011 12:01 PM ()
Which means it sets here at 6 PM--hurray--only 8 weeks to DLS
comment by greatmartin on Jan 23, 2011 11:05 AM ()

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