Buckets collecting rain water dripping into the unfinished garage/den. We plan to work on this room after we get moved in. We knew it leaked and were desperately hoping to get the roof on before the first rain. Thankfully, this is the only place in the house that leaks.
In other news, the tile job is moving along nicely. A friend, who is also a professional tile layer, is doing the work and showing me how it's done. A little OJT.

Master bathroom




Kitchen floor
There is still a lot of work to do. Here are some examples.

Roof is terribly deteriorated. I can't believe anyone lived in this house in the last two years. It makes me wonder how long it's been since anyone lived there.
Sorry to have bored you all with all this stuff, but this is so excited and stressful at the same time for both of us. Take care and keep on blogging, people.