Hey y'all. These plants popped up without any help or encouragement from us. Now, we're coveting the fruit of a harvest we didn't sow for.
The round gourd looks like a small pumpkin, which is possible since we discarded a few small pumpkins in that area of the yard last year. The kids got them at an Orr Family Farm fall event.
The other vine is definitely tomatoes, but I assumed they were the "vine-ripe" variety you see at the store, all connected and in 2x3 rows. However, while we were away for my nephew's wedding, they turned red and I was afraid to leave them on the vine. So I picked the reddest ones and left the others to ripen.
Are they cherry tomatoes? I didn't think to put a ruler or coin nearby to give you perspective.
Let me know what you think in the comments below!