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Home & Garden > Id, Please!

Id, Please!

Hey y'all. These plants popped up without any help or encouragement from us. Now, we're coveting the fruit of a harvest we didn't sow for.

The round gourd looks like a small pumpkin, which is possible since we discarded a few small pumpkins in that area of the yard last year. The kids got them at an Orr Family Farm fall event.

The other vine is definitely tomatoes, but I assumed they were the "vine-ripe" variety you see at the store, all connected and in 2x3 rows. However, while we were away for my nephew's wedding, they turned red and I was afraid to leave them on the vine. So I picked the reddest ones and left the others to ripen.

Are they cherry tomatoes? I didn't think to put a ruler or coin nearby to give you perspective.

Let me know what you think in the comments below!

posted on Aug 18, 2021 2:47 PM ()


I think that first could be a pumpkin. Looking at those leaves, at least one pumpkin picture I saw resembled that. It should become obvious any day now. Vegetables that grow themselves are great, I have a green thumb when it comes to poison ivy and morning glories (which give me a rash the same as poison ivy). And my rose of sharon grows wonderfully, usually feeding a swarm of Japanese beetles each year.
comment by drmaus on Aug 19, 2021 8:30 AM ()
My rose of sharon is beautiful until the first freeze. the cold we had last winter did not faze it whereas the crepe myrtle suffered a lot. We have a lot of dead wood to cut off.
reply by elderjane on Aug 20, 2021 4:53 AM ()
Just the mention of morning glories makes me shudder. Someone got that started in the flower bed at church and we almost NEVER got rid of it. It took over the farm!!!!
reply by jerms on Aug 19, 2021 10:15 AM ()
How wonderful to get tomatoes with no effort. I have fertilized and watered and I have just enough for Ted and I. You are a lucky family.
comment by elderjane on Aug 19, 2021 4:37 AM ()
Here's what I told Laura: It's so bizarre. I couldn't have produced that much if I had deliberately planted, watered, fertilized and prayed for it!
reply by jerms on Aug 19, 2021 10:14 AM ()
Look like regular 'vine ripened tomatoes'---as they are sold in the supermarkets here!
Might have to wait for that mysterious plant to grow some more!!
comment by greatmartin on Aug 18, 2021 9:11 PM ()
I've figured that's about all I can do!
reply by jerms on Aug 18, 2021 9:23 PM ()
I'm marveling at that neon sign. And thinking about how much effort I put into getting some pathetic plants to grow, none of this Jack and Beanstalk business where seeds tossed out in the yard become pumpkins and tomatoes.
comment by traveltales on Aug 18, 2021 8:11 PM ()
I was wondering where they came up with a neon sign! Looks like it would be expensive but what do I know? Our whole wedding was probably less than $1,000 13 years ago!!
reply by jerms on Aug 19, 2021 10:13 AM ()
I know, right! It's so bizarre. I couldn't have produced that much if I had deliberately planted, watered, fertilized and prayed for it!
reply by jerms on Aug 18, 2021 9:24 PM ()

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