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My Little Place On The Web

Life & Events > Middle Age Learning

Middle Age Learning

My Mandarin Chinese "tutoring/online class" starts this Saturday. I'm very excited about it. It's not a formal setting, as I would have preferred, but it's a start and it was affordable. My learning style is best suited to a classroom setting, but this will have to do for now. Chinese classes are harder to find in Oklahoma City than one would think.

There is an Asian district here that might prove useful in the future.

We've probably reached the height of summer here in Oklahoma. I sure hope so. The air conditioner at church failed last week and the repairs will cost $4,300. That's just a little less than what I spent on the entire installation in my home. Commercial equipment must cost a lot more. Fortunately, it's a dual system, so the other unit is keeping up, somewhat.

The "busyness" of the summer is slowing and I'm looking forward to a couple of days off soon. I can't seem to bring myself to start any of the maintenance projects around the house or the church that need to be done. I tried to spread the responsibility, but here we are three months later and there's been no progress, except what I've done myself. I'm just going to call a work day and have everyone come together on a Saturday.

OK, this is starting to sound a little depressing!

We're having a good impact in a local medium security correctional facility about an hour from our house. The team I work with is great and the inmates are very responsive and supportive. We've treated them respectfully and with love, in spite of the tendency of many of the prison employees to be derogatory and disrespectful. We often celebrate holidays with them and take food and spend time in fellowship with them. The recent surge in COVID cases has moved us back to Phase 1 which includes masks, distancing and limited chapel capacity. We have a service there tonight at 5:30pm.

Hey y'all, I hope you're all well and doing good. Stay safe and take care.

posted on Aug 12, 2021 9:46 AM ()


Thanks for the update and the pictures. It's nice to see your church, and good luck with the AC repair project. Sounds like it's been especially hot there in the OKC area this summer.

I admire that you're taking on a new language.

comment by traveltales on Aug 16, 2021 6:49 AM ()
I'm traveling today so someone else met the air repair guy this morning.
I'm sure your part of the country is turning another shade of beautiful this time of year! Take care!
reply by jerms on Aug 16, 2021 7:16 AM ()
I am so far from middle age that I have no room in my head for any more learning!!
I hope you are having more luck with your politicians than we are in Florida regarding the viruses
comment by greatmartin on Aug 12, 2021 7:49 PM ()
This virus is eating my lunch. If I could I'd give the whole world a big hug.
reply by jerms on Aug 16, 2021 7:17 AM ()

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