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Home & Garden > Ice Storm

Ice Storm

Well, I've learned a valuable lesson. Keep the trees trimmed!!
We have a beautiful pecan tree in the back yard that had really gotten out of control. I hesitated to trim it, because I thought a professional might know how to prune it to yield more fruit. I never found anyone and now I'm paying the price. We are living through one of Oklahoma's famous ice storms in which rain falls on our trees and power lines and freezes and accumulates more ice, and more ice and more ice until the limbs start breaking. Large branches of my pecan tree began breaking and I was rushing off to borrow my dad's trimmer. Before I could get back with it, a massive branch broke and downed our power line and pulled the weatherhood (an electrical term for the pipe that brings the electric cable into your house) through the roof and soffit. It left a gash about 8 inches long and about $1,200 in electrical repairs, not to mention the cost of repairing the roof.

Frugal me, I upped our insurance deductible recently so as to lower our monthly premiums which had increased by about 20% in one fell swoop. I've forgotten how high the deductible is and I'm afraid to look.
Hundreds of thousands are without power and the linemen are doing everything they can. And still, ignorant people are complaining about how long it is taking.
We left town and went to Branson, MO after showing the electrician what we needed and leaving him a key to our house. There's nothing we can do there anyway.
We really needed the getaway and got a great deal on the amazing rooms, so why not?

posted on Oct 28, 2020 10:58 PM ()


This was a horrible time for all of us. We were without power for ten days. One of Ted's friends hauled off our trash because he said he was doing it for a fellow veteran. Sweet man.
comment by elderjane on Jan 16, 2021 7:03 AM ()
insurances here in aussie have increased also
comment by kevinshere on Nov 5, 2020 6:25 PM ()
I always learn something new when things go wrong, but a lot of the time I would have been just as happy for there to not have been the need. I think Jeri just got a new roof, so she must know a few roofers.
comment by traveltales on Oct 30, 2020 5:11 PM ()
Fortunately, our power came back on today! We have a lot of cleanup to do. And I'm gonna get that tree trimmed up real good.

Please keep us posted about your welfare during your own difficulty there. Be safe.
reply by jerms on Oct 31, 2020 6:15 PM ()
Sorry about the tree---reason# 7,987,723 I rent and/or live in Fort Lauderdale!!
Enjoy your getaway--if I remember correctly---I was there in the 1970s--Branson is a great place to relax.
comment by greatmartin on Oct 29, 2020 7:21 AM ()
We have loved Branson for years. In fact, our family has spent that last 10 or 15 Christmases there, but this year we're going to San Antonio. Speaking of renters, I've gotta go clean up the downed tree at my rent house next week! Thanks for the reminder!
reply by jerms on Oct 31, 2020 6:17 PM ()

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