About the new year. I've always loved the New Year. Maybe it's just a mental thing, but I see it as a chance to start over OR at least improve. I make resolutions EVERY year. Some of them have survived, believe it or not. I always resolve to read the entire Bible in a year. Most years I do, alternating between Spanish and English. Jennifer and I resolved TOGETHER to be more positive. We have a terrible habit of always talking about what's wrong with EVERYTHING. Pretty soon, we're both in the mullygrubs. So far, she's had to rescue me far more often than I've had to rescue her, and we're only 9 days into this thing. HA! I consider the whole month to be the starting line, so some resolutions will be forthcoming. That's the New Year and the new attitude.
New Baby. Well...there you have it. Jennifer fancies herself a photographer and I don't think she does half bad. (Jeri, recognize anything in the background of the first pic?) It's pretty clear I'm crazy about my girls. Very crazy about them. I hope I don't "spoil" them, but I'm such a softie.
New job. I'm licensed to sell Medicare solutions for seniors, including Medicare supplements, life insurance and Medicare Advantage. There are very strict rules about adverstising and and solicitation, so I dare not elaborate on this public forum. My wife's uncle is helping me get started and I'm very excited about it. The church I'm privileged to pastor is growing and requires more of my time. I left my hospice chaplain position in order to give more time to the church. However, it doesn't fill up my week (or my wallet) so I'm selling insurance part time. By selling insurance, I mean "going to" sell insurance, since I haven't sold a single policy yet. HA!

A note about Jeri's son Bobby. I can only say that after being in the beautiful service planned by Jeri and Ellie, I regret that I never met Bobby personally. He is truly a remarkable person. I've been to MANY memorial services, but this one excelled in every way. Jeri and Ted's family is truly a beautiful thing. It was my honor to participate.
Hopefully this post is the beginning of a trend, but honestly, it wasn't one of my resolutions. hehe