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My Little Place On The Web

Computing & Technology > Blogging > Late


I was going to try to post more regularly, like some of you do, but this is just about as regular as it gets with my crazy mixed up life.
I'm seriously considering taking the job and continuing my search. We desperately need the benefits if we have another child. Jennifer has bad teeth, so it would help out a lot with that as well. However, I'm seriously going to try to get her signed up with the OU College of Dentistry. They do excellent work and it's much cheaper than a regular dentist. The work they did on me as a child is still in excellent condition. The job would be a bit of a pay cut at first, but as one of you said in my earlier posts, "cream rises to the top". Hopefully, I'll be able to move up in short order.
I went to a camp meeting in Blanchard, OK on Saturday to interpret for a Panamanian pastor. That used to be such fun, but now I find it extremely tedious and quite boring. It was good to see some people I hadn't seen in a while. I was encouraged to hear some news about a church out in California that was seeing some success.
Sunday, after the morning service, Jenn and I had a family over for lunch. One of my favorites: roast, potatoes, carrots, zucchini, onion, corn, mashed potatoes and "dirt dessert". After the evening service, we served baloney sandwiches and everyone stayed around to eat and fellowship. It was fun. We do that from time to time to allow those who do not have money to eat out to be able to spend some time with the rest of the congregation. We eat out entirely too much after church, but it seems to be an ingrained behavior with most.
Today, we took Sofie to the doctor as she had a fever on Saturday and was coughing and had runny nose this morning. She's taking a baby version of Amoxicillin. If I could be sick in her place, I would. In fact, I feel like I have a touch of what she has already.
This afternoon, I weeded most of the garden (still have the onions and carrots to weed). I was so excited to find that I indeed DO have carrots that are actually edible. Several people tried to discourage me from planting them saying the dirt had to be just right. So far, so good. They aren't huge, but they're edible. Then, I mowed and trimmed and swam for a while with Jennifer in the pool. That was fun.
OK, peeps, maybe I'll post more mind-numbing drivel tomorrow or the next day. Until then, carry on my MyBloggers friends!~

Some visual respite from whatever ugly things you've had to look at today!! LOL She's just chillin' and she sleeps like her daddy...all sprawled out.

posted on June 4, 2012 6:24 PM ()


I took advantage of my daughter going to dental hygienist school. Free cleaning, etc., but sitting in the chair took FOREVER! Plus, I had to drive 100 miles one way! Happy for your carrots. Mine are still teeny. And then, there's Sofie!!!!!!!
comment by solitaire on June 6, 2012 5:23 AM ()
I need to raise a doctor!!
reply by jerms on June 11, 2012 8:37 PM ()
What a sweetheart.
comment by nittineedles on June 5, 2012 10:36 AM ()
She's my sweetie. I'm crazy about her.
reply by jerms on June 11, 2012 8:36 PM ()
I can't wait to see Sofia. Is her hair turning red? It may just be a
reflection from the pink...can't wait to see.
comment by elderjane on June 5, 2012 5:26 AM ()
I think she has a tinge of red in it. I know I do. We really enjoyed our visit with you guys.
reply by jerms on June 11, 2012 8:35 PM ()
Charming photo of Sophie. Hope she's feeling better soon.
comment by tealstar on June 5, 2012 5:09 AM ()
I think she's improving. Thanks!
reply by jerms on June 11, 2012 8:35 PM ()
Sofie is the perfect portrait in pink. Yesterday someone told me that the reason my onions didn't form bulbs was I didn't work enough loose straw into the soil to give them soft room in which to expand underground.
comment by troutbend on June 4, 2012 8:43 PM ()
That's probably true. They require loose soil in order to bulb out. Mine are doing better lately.
reply by jerms on June 11, 2012 8:34 PM ()
'OK, peeps, maybe I'll post more mind-numbing drivel tomorrow'--why should you be any different than the rest of us?
comment by greatmartin on June 4, 2012 6:46 PM ()
True that!
reply by jerms on June 11, 2012 8:33 PM ()

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