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My Little Place On The Web

Cities & Towns > Lapghans??


Well, Marg, here's a couple things I'm working on. Really simple stuff, but quite useful and nice.
They certainly aren't the gigantesque afghan of my grandmother's fame, but they are quite cozy and comfy. I've got my two colleagues well-trained. You rarely find them without yarn and needles close by. In fact, G carries hers practically everywhere she goes and is cranking out doilies for Christmas presents like a machine.

Below, the source of the disgusting smell in my apartment. The cockatiel family is sitting on eggs and I'm afraid cleaning the cage will cause them to abandon the nest. It's not horrid, but it IS noticeable at times.

Rumor has it that the gang Zetas has come to our town. They wreak havoc and murder senselessly to the simple end of inspiring fear. Our mayor was threatened and refused to participate in the cultural activities attached to the Mexican Independence Day. He sent the Secretary instead. More on this later.

posted on Sept 17, 2008 12:24 PM ()


Thank you. I'm avoiding the down town area for a while.
comment by jerms on Sept 24, 2008 3:37 PM ()
Oh, I like how the knitted squares swirl in the middle.
comment by stiva on Sept 24, 2008 10:49 AM ()
One advantage of having chickens OUTSIDE. We only have two and I keep the coop cleaned once a week, so it doesn't smell. When they are laying, they don't want to be bothered and we don't need to. I don't know how much they would need to be left alone if they were egg sitting like yours were.
comment by stiva on Sept 24, 2008 10:48 AM ()
Beautiful work. I wish I could knit or crochet, but I've tried and I can't seem to ever get even stitches. I just don't think it is my thing. My Auntie used to make lap covers for the nursing homes. It was relaxing for her to crochet or knit and watch tv in the evenings. I'm sure the people at the nursing homes greatly appreciated her thoughtfulness. Sadly, she has now passed on. We all miss her. Annie
comment by anniel on Sept 23, 2008 3:16 PM ()
God Bless hope all is well.Prayers for you.
comment by anacoana on Sept 20, 2008 8:00 PM ()
That first one is so vibrant - just beautiful!
comment by troutbend on Sept 20, 2008 3:18 PM ()
love the lapghans! I crochet afghans too. it is so relaxing to me but I have run out of people to give them too. now when people open a present for me I can see them thinking, I hope its not another afghan.
comment by elkhound on Sept 19, 2008 1:29 PM ()
Gorgeous! I love the colours. Very nice, even stitches.
comment by nittineedles on Sept 19, 2008 11:33 AM ()
Are youy serious about Zetas in your town?
comment by hayduke on Sept 19, 2008 10:05 AM ()
Nice afghans, I am awed by your ability.
comment by elderjane on Sept 18, 2008 12:04 PM ()
I hope the smell from the cockatiel cage will keep the Zetas away... what's with law enforcement in Mexico? I've never heard anything good about it.
comment by looserobes on Sept 18, 2008 8:02 AM ()
Those blankets look really nice! As for the birds, Martine (greatmartin) can probably help you out with what to do about the eggs and the smell. Sorry to hear about the gang in town. That sounds pretty scary! By the way, there's a commercial on the radio about something (tacos or something) that taste like they are from guadalahara (I know it's probably not spelled right). Everytime I hear that commercial, I think of you, since you mention it alot.
comment by hopefields on Sept 17, 2008 8:53 PM ()
How comfy, warm and cozy those lapghans would be on a chilly fall evening! I admire the handiwork and the talent. May your cockatiel babies be born soon. I've never had a bird as a pet, but my two cats think it would be a great idea. Sorry to hear about the gang. That is such a problem in Mexico, really out of control in some places I read, and I hope it is only a rumor.
comment by marta on Sept 17, 2008 6:04 PM ()
Oh wow..I love the colors in those...very pretty. They shouldn't abandon the nest, I had a cockatiel and cleaned her cage when she had eggs. She didn't like it of course, but I did it. You might ask Martin (greatmartin) he knows a lot more about birds than I do tho. Stay away from the gangs...they don't play well with others..
comment by elfie33 on Sept 17, 2008 1:18 PM ()
comment by ducky on Sept 17, 2008 12:36 PM ()

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