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Entertainment > Turning Pages

Turning Pages

Ok so I am 30 years behind with the start of this series but I am thoroughly enjoying playing catch up. 
These books are a real change for me, I normally read crime and thriller fiction with the odd biography thrown in for good measure. Reading has also been on the back burner for some time as I was only managing to read anything other than children's books when I went to bed. This did mean that by the time I did get to bed I was too knackered to make any real dent in a book!
Curiosity got the better of me with this series. I was always intrigued by it from my days of working in the library but was put off by the thickness of the books!! They are a bit on the heavy side for reading in bed and waking up with a bruise after you fall asleep and drop in on your face!
*enter Kindle stage left* With this neat piece of kit you 
a - don't see how thick a book is
b - don't damage your nose as much if you fall asleep whilst reading
c - can carry as many books as you like with you without needing to take a sack barrow with you
I am now officially half way through the third book and it  is still as readable as first book even though the main character remains the same throughout. The fact that each book is basically a new chapter in Ayla's life which helps avoid repetition of situations but does allow for reminising of her past life. 
I love the fact that this series is set in pre-historic times and features many of the animals my children love to read  about is also a real bonus. I suppose this series falls into the Sci-fi genre which is probably another reason I have waited so long to open the first book. It has shown me that the sci-fi genre is no different from any other book in the way the story is strung together. With characters (human or otherwise), situations and how the characters and situations relate and react to each other. I guess this is the really beauty of a book and how it manages to take you to another time, place or world and draw you into these situations. 
I am loving this new love of reading that I have found and am trying to read books I would never have considered in the past. The next one I have lined up is.....


posted on Mar 14, 2012 3:30 AM ()

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