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Life & Events > Hey Ya'll

Hey Ya'll


Ok so I have been off the blogging radar for quite a while now. There just doesn't seem to be the same need to blog as I once felt. But I am keen to get back into it as I am finding a new lease of life with regards to cooking, crocket, reading, watching TV shows/movies when it suits (now I have discovered Netflix). These are all mighty fine blog materials so I think I will make the effort to blog on a more regular occurence than has been the case over the past few months.

Reading has well and truly gotten a hold of me again. Although I always enjoyed reading it was only really at bed time I would pick up a book. This often resulted in me falling asleep with a book stuck to my face and having to reread half of what I had previously read to get the jist of the story agian. So far, this year I have read

Jean M Auel - Clan of the Cave Bear, The Valley of the Horses and I am half way through The Mammoth Hunters I have always wanted to read this series, more out of curiosity as it is a genre I never read in the past, loving it BTW

I have also read the first two books in the Millennium trilogy by Stieg Larrson  

The Snowman by Jo Nesbro

The first Twilight novel

Needless to say with all this reading time disappears when the kids are at school and I am often trying to catch up with household things later on at night.

I am also finding a new passion for baking. I have just bought areally fab silicone buttom mould for making chocolate button decorations. I will try and post pics when I get round to making a batch of cupcakes for using them to decorate.

I have also gotten back into my Zumba class, although it is at a different time than before it suits better and childcare does not have to be juggled.

The best discovery I have made in the past week or two is Netflix. it only went live over here about 6 weeks ago. We stream mainly through the Wii but the fact that it stream via 3G on my iphone makes trips with the kids a little easier too. I know the Uk doesn't get the same choice at the minute but I am hoping that once the sign up to this new service picks up then so will the choices on offer. It will take me sometime though to run out of material though -Private Practice, Heroes, 24 blah blah blah are all there waiting for me to finally catch up with. There are many I would like to see on there as well though, but I am patient.

see ya later alligator
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posted on Feb 29, 2012 6:52 AM ()

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