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Life & Events > Crafty Juices Flowing

Crafty Juices Flowing

Been awhile I know and there isn't really a great deal to say as to what I have been up to either...I lead such a monotonous life!!

Anyway I have got the kids back to school so there is 2 hours when it is just me and my daughter, this means no fighting and chaos until the boys return!!

I have had a couple of nights out in the past month, one my cousin's 21st where DH couldn't come as he had to sit with our kids because MIL wouldn't look after the kids after 9.30. She said she could do it if we had someone else arranged to come in at 9.30. She was a bit funny when we said if we cot someone else to do it then they would be doing it all night none of this part-time carp!! She isn't keen to look after the three together anyway but heck it was night time and they would be in bed.

The second night was a visit to my neighbour who was hosting an Ann Summers party. A good crack and a few beers later I was well and trully sozzled and ready to roll home at 2.30 in the morning. Quality hangover the next day though.

I have now started thinking about my daughter's birthday party in January. The boys were at an Indiana Jones party in the summer and to say it made my parties look rubbish is an understatment. I am looking at a Dora the Explorer adventure (she's to be 3) where I can set up party games at each stage of the adventure to find the birthday candles for here cake.
I will have it set that "swipper" swipped the candles and they will have to follow the map to find them. Has the potential be brilliant but with a load of three year olds it could also go tits up.LOL I will keep you posted, any tips, advice or ideas would be very much appreciated.

I am also getting the crafting bug again. Not my cards I never seem to get the time to sit anymore to make any. But I have seen baby sock purses and am toying with the idea of making some out of Dora socks so that I can use them as part of the take home gift for my daughter's party. I am giving myself plenty of time to practice here. I am looking into more patterns for friendship bracelets which I will make too for their bags. I am quite excited about this and waiting to see what I manage to create.

Better go and have a quick tidy up before I pick the boys up. Hope all is well with you. xx

posted on Aug 28, 2009 6:34 AM ()

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