Canadian Goddess


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Fenelon Falls, ON
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Tales From Janet Land

Life & Events > Relationships > Message from a Sad Canadian Girl

Message from a Sad Canadian Girl

I think that our number one mistake is thinking, every time, that it will get easier.

Easier to say good bye.

Easier to wait until next time.

Easier to watch the other drive away or go past security, depending on the mode of transportation.

Easier to be apart from one another.

The truth is that it’s anything but easy. The truth is that it gets harder and harder with each visit, no matter how stretched out we make the good byes. And no matter how short the wait is until “next time”. No matter which mode of transportation we choose. It never gets easier to be apart from one another. It just keeps getting harder. And more painful.

And maybe it’s because this weekend was one of our best together. Or maybe it’s because the kids won’t be home until after the dinner hour so the house is empty. Or maybe it’s because Mona arrived on Friday morning so I’m a bit more emotional than normal. Whatever the reason, this time is the hardest and I feel like I can’t breathe, I miss him that much, my heart aches that badly and my chest is caving in.

A few months ago, Don posted an article begging people to refrain from taking their partner for granted. Appreciate having them next to you, day in and day out because he and I would give anything for that.

I’m going to ask you all to do that for me once again.

Get up from the computer, go into the next room and hug the person who puts up with your bullshit. Kiss the person who never puts the seat down. Whisper, “I love you” into the ear of the one who knows more about you than anyone else and loves you anyway. Hit the snooze button and linger in the spot between the shoulder and the neck and let the rest of the world fall away, if only for those ten minutes.

And look…really * look *…at your husband or wife, boyfriend or girlfriend. And even though we all take for granted the people we love the most in this life and likewise, the people who love US the most in this life at one point or another, vow to try. Try to appreciate them for what they are, not what you wish they could be. And try to remember that in some weird twist of fate, you and your honey could very well be the ones loving one another from 528 miles away. And believe me, it sucks.

I’m too melancholy and lonesome to give you the nitty gritty details of the weekend but rest assured, there WILL be a picture post in the very near future. It’s only delayed because Don took the pictures on his camera and I’m not even sure if that camera has crossed the border, yet. Plus, I’m on stupid dial up so pictures take * forever * to load on my computer so he’s going to load them up for me, e-mail them to me and I’ll copy them onto my blog. And then I’ll also fill you in. And if you’re all very, very good, you might even get a video of us on Friday night. So be on your best behaviour!

I hope you all had a most wonderful weekend.

I know I sure did.

And now if you’ll excuse me, there’s a bean and cheese burrito and a re-run of Six Feet Under calling my name….

posted on Oct 26, 2008 2:03 PM ()


I just gave him a big ole smack and a pinch on the butt...
comment by elfie33 on Oct 28, 2008 6:56 PM ()
(((((big hugs))))
comment by firststarisee on Oct 27, 2008 5:38 PM ()
Aw, Janet. Hugs. I'm glad you two had such a wonderful time... even though it hurts so much. And yeah, it's totally my turn on Facebook, but after spending two hours writing that response that didn't post, I was so p*ssed, that I left it for a while -- and now I can hardly remember what I wrote. I will return soon, but it'll just be written in shorter increments.
comment by mellowdee on Oct 27, 2008 1:48 PM ()
You are absolutely right to never take your SO for granted... I went through this with my now DH: for 6 YEARS we saw each other only on the weekends because we lived 70 miles apart. I know how difficult it got and we were in the same State! So I can only imagine how difficult and hard this is on you guys. But I PROMISE that in the end, it's all completely worth it.
comment by mrsstu on Oct 27, 2008 11:32 AM ()
It is def harder to say goodbye....and some days it feels like no matter how close you can physically be together, it's not quite close enough.
comment by deborah on Oct 27, 2008 10:39 AM ()
I miss you, and love you! Been a moving day here so busy busy I love you xoxo
comment by turftoe331 on Oct 27, 2008 8:35 AM ()
As Shakespeare said, "Parting is such sweet sorrow." ( At least, I THINK it was Shakespeare!!)
comment by redimpala on Oct 27, 2008 6:48 AM ()

One day soon he will be there forever, and these sad time will not be in vain.
comment by greeneyedgemini on Oct 26, 2008 3:12 PM ()
No, it doesn't get easier, only harder.

Taken for granted. Those are great ideas. We did some of those this morning. When we do we both feel better for having taken the time to be together.

Wonderful weekend
comment by stiva on Oct 26, 2008 2:41 PM ()
*HUGS* It can be so hard to be apart! I am glad that you had a great time!
comment by lunarhunk on Oct 26, 2008 2:07 PM ()

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