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Fenelon Falls, ON
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Tales From Janet Land

Life & Events > Boring > Good Hair Day

Good Hair Day

It’s going to be a good day. I can just feel it. How do I know?

The baby is chilling out in his crib. He might be sleeping. I’m not sure. He does that sometimes…begs in his baby language way to be put down in his crib with a ba-ba and a blanket for a little, quiet time out. Sometimes he naps but very often, he just hangs out alone until he wants to see us all again. He has done this since he first came home to us. I think it stemmed from having spent so much time laying in an Isolette (or, for you old school folks…an incubator. They don’t call them that anymore. Incubators are for eggs and baby chicks. But the term is still used among people from back in the day) and then just turned into a happy habit.

Regardless, he’s happy. And quiet.

The girls are in their bedroom, singing songs from the movie, “Camp Rock” (what a piece of cinematic genius * that * is! Wow. It was bad. The girls, of course, loved it.) and making props for their upcoming puppet show. We are going to pick up some plain paper bags later today for the actual puppets. Emma shared her script with me. It involves a lion who is trying to get to Africa to see his friend, the squirrel. She wasn’t sure why the squirrel went to live in Africa. Anyway, the lion sees a plane in the sky and waves it down and hops a ride. It visits several countries before, oh no, breaking down. Don’t worry, though. The lion will get a taxi to take him the rest of the way to Africa and re-unite with his good friend, the squirrel. It is turning out to be a rather elaborate puppet show.

Regardless, they are happy. And (relatively) quiet.

I woke up this morning to both of my girls standing next to my bed. Wait. Back up. That was the third time I woke up this morning. The first time was because Michael was awake and wanting some help to fall back to sleep. The biggest mistake anyone can make when he first wakes up is to pick him up and remove him from his crib. He doesn’t want that. He needs his leisurely wake up time. That’s not an isolette thing. He gets that from his Momma.

The second time was because Kate came into my room and turned on the overhead light and screamed at me for throwing out her iced tea from last night. I guess she was saving it. For what, I have no idea.

The * third * time I woke up, I found both of my girls standing next to my bed. With them, they had a plate with eggs and toast with jam on it and a glass of iced tea from the carton in the fridge (which makes Kate’s frustration only more confusing…we had lots more iced tea). They also had a note. It told me thank you for dinner last night and the movie. It also told me that they loved me.

It was the first time I had ever been presented with breakfast in bed in my almost thirty years.

They love me. I must be doing something right. ‘Cuz they love me.

It’s going to be a good day.

I really want to blog about the big thing that’s happening here in Janet Land. It’s a good thing. And a scary thing. A mixed bag, really. And I’m dying to write about it, get it all out and even hear some feedback from those of you who have gone through something similar before. But I can’t. It’s just too risky since my blog is public. After everything is said and done, I’ll fill you in.

For now, I will just say that this is the most guided I think I’ve ever been in my whole life. My angels and my guides (if you think I’m full of shit, please keep it to yourself and remind yourself that I do the same for you. The times that I read you and cringe and think that you’re full of shit, I keep my fingers to myself, okay?) and I have been in a more constant state of communication. Every step has been guided. And I’m listening. And trusting. And I know that this will pan out exactly the way that I want it to. Why? Because what I’m undergoing goes against pretty much all of my natural instincts. It is not something I would willingly do, pretty much ever. And yet, I’m doing it. And it’s working. And it will work.

Okay, that’s enough of that.

Because of this guidance, today will take a different turn than expected. After Michael is finished with his chill out time (I think he * is * sleeping ‘cuz it’s been a while), we are going to take a drive to a town near my parents, roughly half an hour from here. We are going to buy groceries there, just for shits and giggles. And paper bags. So that the show can go on. It was not my original plan for the day, but I’m trusting what I’m hearing.

And feeling good about it.

Oh yes. It’s going to be a good day.

And if all of what I’ve just said isn’t convincing enough…

I’m having a killer hair day. And that pretty much never happens.

So, it must mean it’s going to be an excellent Saturday.

Hope yours is, too.

posted on Jan 10, 2009 8:03 AM ()


YES! I do remember your crush on Uncle Jesse... I can still recall you sharing very elaborate day dreams about him at recess by the swings.
comment by mellowdee on Jan 12, 2009 1:28 PM ()
Ooh yes, Camp Rock. It's my second favourite right up there next to In A New York Minute, starring the Olson Twins. (For the record, I haven't seen either....) Looking forward to hearing about the news.
comment by mellowdee on Jan 12, 2009 9:12 AM ()
Hit the wrong button My kids are too little to be cooking but I'm looking forward to that breakfast. I think.
comment by lisad on Jan 12, 2009 12:44 AM ()
Good Hair Day Breakfast in bed
comment by lisad on Jan 12, 2009 12:42 AM ()
Sounds like an *incredible* day. Love the script for the puppet show, and the fact that the girls brought you breakfast in bed without anyone telling them to, well, that's just amazing! You are a wonderful mom, and they recognize it. And as for this unbelievable guidance you've received, well, it's more than a good day, its gonna be a great year. (And I can't wait to hear about it whenever you have the chance.)
comment by mellowdee on Jan 11, 2009 12:32 PM ()
Breakfast in bed from the kids
comment by stiva on Jan 11, 2009 10:25 AM ()
It’s going to be a good day. I can just feel it. How do I know? (quote from you)

I know Janet.. sometimes ya just feel these things.

Today, I canceled the "show" I was gonna work at. The weather is terrible. Snow all that chit. Well Roxann got some "money in".. so I got to play on the computer all day. All I had to do was watch "Sebastian" (our baby)..

I watched lots of movies, I even downloaded some cool videos. She was watching a friend's kid,, had to take her home.. and brought me a "30 pack of beer"!! Cool... I am set till the morning!

It's now after 1am. Sebastian finally got tired. Hey I love him, and we get along so great.. but he does get "tired" eventually.

So, I changed the messy yipper.. and put "three bottles" in his crib with him! "Apple Cherry", "Orange Juice", and the "Formula" stuff he likes. So, Sebastian was set.. and I think I can hear snores now.

What do I do now? I'm a tad horney, but Roxann went to bed early. I found some "FREE" porn sites, with free and nice downloads. The problem is, I am deeply involved in a "World of Warcraft" download.. so no way to see "any videos" now.

I'm so bored.. can't do much on the puter. Hell, everyone is sleeping now.. and I still have some beer left. How about, you send me a "naked pic" or two. Not video... cause I really want to get this "trial" of World of Warcraft in...

Just take a few pics, and send. Your a hottie (everyone knows that)... and anyone that dis-agree's I'll kick ass! Promise, I won't share these with my buddies!!

PS.. you would look AWESOME with long, blonde hair... slight makeup, a semi-big smile... and a "not slutty", but a somewhat conservative black skirt..

comment by coincutter on Jan 10, 2009 10:39 PM ()
Things are sounding great! YAY!
comment by lunarhunk on Jan 10, 2009 11:20 AM ()
comment by firststarisee on Jan 10, 2009 10:48 AM ()
comment by imaginaryfriend on Jan 10, 2009 10:07 AM ()
Great day indeed, and what great children, creative, calm, loving. Must be doing a pretty good job with them.
comment by anacoana on Jan 10, 2009 8:59 AM ()
there is just something about a good hair day that sets the tone for the day! I had one of those yesterday. I love that the girls made you breakfast, how sweet is that? you are a GREAT mama, never doubt that for a minute. have a great day janet and I wish you all the best with whatever you are being guided on.
comment by elkhound on Jan 10, 2009 8:13 AM ()

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