Canadian Goddess


Canadian Goddess
Fenelon Falls, ON
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Tales From Janet Land

Travel > Why I'm Not Coming to America

Why I'm Not Coming to America

“Can’t she just come here?”

Don gets asked this a lot, apparently. I usually just hear, “Is Don still planning to move to Canada?” And when I answer, “yes”, I’m usually met with, “Well, that will be nice.” End of story.

Don, on the other hand, has been fielding far more curious and borderline nosey and judgemental questioning from his family and friends. And even though I don’t think any of them actually read my blog (aside from one co-worker, who shall remain nameless. Hello, out there! Can you please post a decent photo of yourself? My sister and I are trying to stalk you), I figured this was as good a forum as any to answer that question. Hell, maybe I’ll ask Don to direct those well meaning patriotic folks to my blog and save him the trouble of explaining. Might help him out a bit.

Now, to start with, it is a fair enough question. After all, it’s incredibly difficult to get into Canada these days, despite our pleas for “skilled workers”. That really means that we’d like some more doctors and a few trades people, too. The process is a long and arduous one, made more difficult by the fact that I am still, technically, married. Remember the whole “have to be separated for a year” thing? Right. Well. The clock is definitely ticking and there is a chance that Rock and I might be able to speed things up in the near future, but nothing this huge comes easy, right? So, moving to Canada with the intent of staying there permanently is far more difficult than it would seem. Fair enough.

Secondly, it’s a fair inquiry because Don would be giving up a lot. Even if you look past the fact that he has lived there his whole life, his family is located there and his friends are, too, there are other good reasons to ask. A very good job, with the US federal government, for starters.

And then there is the American stereotype to contend with. Now before your panties get in a knot and you start punching the keys on the keyboard, filling up the comment space with profanities, take a deep breath. Not everyone fits into the stereotype. That’s the thing about stereotypes in general. They’re unfair. BUT…they do come from somewhere. And because America is such a wonderful country for lots of reasons, for a lot of people, it might be hard to understand why not everyone wants to be an American. I get it. Believe me. Because I can’t understand why everyone doesn’t want to be a Canadian. Ha.

So there are three very good reasons for asking that inevitable question, “can’t she just come here?”

Now I’ll tell you why I can’t just go there.

First of all, we aren’t talking about a single person moving to another country, with nothing to leave behind but some friends and family and a good job. I don’t have just myself to account for. I have three small children who need to be considered and while, “They’re young…they’d get used to it” might make sense to some people, it doesn’t make sense to me. Because we aren’t talking solely about learning another country’s history and origins. We aren’t talking about a few extra geography lessons before they really understand how Canada is set up. We aren’t talking about simply teaching them another national anthem to sing at the beginning of the school day and at every hockey game.

It is so much more than that.

To assume that it would easier to rip three children away from not only their father but also their four sets of grandparents, all of whom have been a very strong presence in each of their lives and a slew of aunts, uncles and cousins, all of whom have also been present in their lives since they were born, is ignorant. These are the people that love them (to say nothing of the way that my children love those people) and children benefit the most when they have as many loving people in their lives as possible. Tearing them away from their extended family after they’ve already been torn away from their father would be a grave mistake.

And while we’re talking about children, now might be a good time to remind everyone that my children’s father, despite his recent asshole-ish tendencies, has an active role in their lives. And he also has rights.

Can anyone really blame him for refusing to allow his children to move to another country, 528 miles away from him? Even if you * could * blame him, the point is irrelevant because he won’t allow a move like that to happen.

And I would be arrested at the border for kidnapping.

And just for the record, I wouldn’t and COULDN’T leave my children behind. Not for anything. Not even for love. And I would challenge anyone to argue with me on this point.

The other part of the equation that is nearly always overlooked is that Don, for the most part, hasn’t been happy in his current life. And while my being in his home, waiting for him at the end of each workday would no doubt bring a smile to his face, this is the first time that he is allowing himself the power to stop settling for second best. This isn’t just about joining the person he loves (for either of us, actually). It’s about leaving behind a life that wasn’t really working and choosing happiness instead.

I will spare you the endless paragraphs about how wonderful Canada is. Really. I will. Because just as you are allowed to believe that America is the best in the world, I’m also entitled to believe the same about my own country. It baffles me that anyone would expect me to love my country of origin any less.

But with that said, I appreciate how random it all is. I even posted a blog about it a few months ago. And if it were just me, it would be another story entirely. But there’s really no point in going there…at least not today…because it isn’t only me.

And it’s not even the end of the story.

But it will do for today.

And I hope that answers your question.

posted on Oct 17, 2008 1:15 PM ()


I wonder if at any time the people who utter yer first sentence ever think well that IS a stupid question...
comment by dazeymae on Oct 19, 2008 11:49 AM ()
Very well said, baby. very well said I love you.
comment by turftoe331 on Oct 18, 2008 8:10 AM ()
This is a ball of yarn? It's hard to unravel?
comment by strider333 on Oct 17, 2008 10:55 PM ()
It does sound like Don's family is a little overprotective of him. It would probably be good for him to put some distance between them. (My brothers and I all did that with our parents! LOL! Here's the line. Do not cross.)
comment by imaginaryfriend on Oct 17, 2008 7:36 PM ()
Well said! I can't imagine anyone wanting to argue any of the points you made above, even for a second... and the fact that some unfortunate souls in Don's life still feel the need to ask him why you won't move down there, is simply beyond me. Seems that selfishness overrides logic.
comment by mellowdee on Oct 17, 2008 4:58 PM ()
hey, it all makes perfect sense to me! I want to come to Canada and see a moose. Don't you have alot of mooses? oh yeah, and wolves. I don't know much about canada but I have always wanted to visit it. have a great weekend!
comment by elkhound on Oct 17, 2008 2:55 PM ()
What are you going to do when it's FIXED?
comment by stiva on Oct 17, 2008 2:24 PM ()
Um, does this energy mean that your cold is history?
comment by stiva on Oct 17, 2008 2:01 PM ()
I happen to think you Canadians are very lucky. A country that provides health care to their citizens (and where jantk lives) is A+ in my book
comment by firststarisee on Oct 17, 2008 1:50 PM ()
If the election goes bad, I don't think Don would be the only one to go north and join you. It sounds like you guys have found a solution.
comment by lunarhunk on Oct 17, 2008 1:33 PM ()
coll = cool. Cuz I rock.
comment by kristilyn3 on Oct 17, 2008 1:18 PM ()
I think it makes perfect sense for him to go there... especially for the kids sake, ya know?
I think Canada would be a cool place. I don't think America is the greatest... I think we're pretty cool, but there are lots of coll countries out there.
comment by kristilyn3 on Oct 17, 2008 1:18 PM ()

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