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Life & Events > Last 6 Weeks

Last 6 Weeks

Finally some time to post something. Last one was end November so....
First I want to wish you all lots of health, happiness, luck and of course lots of love for the coming year.
Last 6 weeks went by so very quick. Quite some things happened.
First in our country "Sinterklaas" was celebrated. Its something like Santa but celebrated on December the fifth. Because our kids are not in the "sinterklaas"-age anymore we didn't celebrated it but went to the cinema with all of them. The movie was called "Sint" and is a kind of typical Dutch thriller (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8sf7S6eDu4). Dick Maas directed it, he also once directed "the lift, a Dutch thriller".
It was quite a nice movie, exactly what we expected for a night like this.

The next weeks we were busy renovating our toiletroom. Actually this was the final part of the rebuilding on ground level...we still had no time to do it but now its finally finished. Just before the x-mas holidays it was all finished.

December 17 our 2-week-x-mas-break started. Last year we were in Thailand, this year at home again. Because we always like to travel we booked a hotelroom in the south of our country and went there for 2 days. Did x-mas shoppings in Maastricht and also visited a nice town called Roermond. We had lots of snow already ( we are not used to have that much) so it was a wonderful view in the old cities.

December 25th we celebrated x-mas with the family. In the late afternoon presents and later a family-made dinner. The kids made the entree and the desert, my wife and me the main course. It was a nice "family"-day.
December the 26th we always celebrate second x-mas day as we call it. We had invited my sister in law with her husband (not my most favourite persons) because in 28 years they never had dinner with us lol. Entree was a home made chicken-cocktail, main course was ostrich steak covered with hazelnut-dough and accompanied with chestnut sauce, desert a nut explosion of ice, home made chocolate sauce accompanied with a hazelnut-liquor.

The next week was a bit relaxing week. We both worked quite a lot the last semester so some relaxing moments are needed. Read a new book of Ken Follet, Fall of giants, the first in a series of 3.

Last week school started again...busy as always but i still like it a lot. Time flies while working although sometimes it can be stressy as well.

As some of you know i like it a lot being in my chatroom. There is someone i met there (yes, it happened again) and i only can tell it feels good talking a lot with him ;)

posted on Jan 7, 2011 6:40 AM ()


Enjoyed your blog. Have never been to your city, but might, with my granddaughter and family living there on Churchillaan 93 D. Do you live near?
comment by nenah on Mar 4, 2011 7:39 AM ()
I envy your travel and food! I could afford it, but don't. Stay out of trouble in the chat rooms! And keep in touch with us occasionally.
comment by solitaire on Jan 9, 2011 7:15 AM ()
Nice to see you back for a bit.Menu great.Still remodeled the house.
You are a busy sort.Welcome home.
comment by fredo on Jan 7, 2011 9:19 AM ()
Your menu sounds wonderful.
comment by elderjane on Jan 7, 2011 8:20 AM ()

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