Last week was a kind of busy week again (don't want to complain about it but that is how it is). Our new cats keep us busy as well. It's so much fun seeing them play together... they ran through the house, climb up the stairs, ran down the stairs again .
For those who don't know yet: I have a so-called Smartphone now but that also means a difficulty. I used to have a subscription with T-mobile. I paid 20 euro a month and I was able to call or txt till i had reached that amount. All for local, AND international calls or txt.
Now I have an I phone the subscription is changed into 30 euro a month for 150 call-minutes ( whatever they are) and 150 texts a month and unlimited internet access on my phone. I never reach that amount but more a problem is that all calls and texts need to be within my country so calling international will rise my bill and calling international is expensive. I called my friend Leo in brazil lately for a few minutes and I had to pay 15 euro's for that call. Texts abroad will cost me about 50 cents a txt.
Lucky I am able to install certain so-called apps like " pingchat "(for texting and sending pics and so) "whatsapp" (for the same), Skype of course (even able to video call on my phone) and Viber (also for texting but also calling by internet). Problem is that "the other side" also need these apps to communicate with me. Well luckily most of my friends have.

I always thought it wasn't necessary at all to take a phone like this but..... once i was used to it, it gives me so much fun. With other i phone 4 users I even can video call by the internet for free ( when wifi is available). And that are all just apps for communication. Also installed off course things like traffic information, consumer info, newspapers and much more...
Well nothing special happened here last week. Last Saturday I tried to catch something out of the shed. I felt a terribly itchy thing in my finger and saw an insect flying away. It was a terrible feeling and i kept it under water for a while , also tried some vinegar on it. All was normal I thought but half an hour later ( when I was in the supermarket) i got the feeling it was a bit irritating. I checked my finger and saw a terrible huge finger ..all was swollen and it was the finger i kept my wedding ring on. I quickly went home, and tried to remove my ring. I succeeded after 5 minutes of attempts. Made me feel relieved cause I didn't want to go to the hospital for it. Well My finger ( actually my whole had) was swollen all Sunday as well ( and felt hot). Today its only itching a bit.
Finally I need to report about the sick man who killed 6 people in a shopping centre just 20 minutes away from my home. Why he did it is unknown. He wrote a letter in which he told he wanted to commit suicide but there was no reason given for it. We always thought these things only happen abroad but now..... Perhaps u saw some on tv if not u can check my facebook.