Last week several bloggers wrote a more personal blog then they used to do. I always like reading these kind of posts cause I am always interested in whats going on in someone's mind. Most of the ones in my "friends" list write already rather personal, but some of them write mostly about certain subjects like TV, politics, nature and so. It always, well at least for me, feels good to get more info about the blogger himself.
I know, some bloggers dont want to "show" too much about themselves. I can understand that very well. You never know who will read your blogs here.
Some bloggers are writing very personal stuff. I just like reading that a lot (that definitely doesn't mean i dont like to read about certain subjects btw. I learn a lot here lol)
I sometimes wish I would be able, or should I say have the guts, to be more personal as well. I use to write superficial (hope thats the good word). I am a rather shy person which sometimes isnt easy to deal with. Internet gives you the possibility to talk with others rather deep, because of the anonymity. But how anonymous is it when you talk deep to e-friends here for a rather long time already.
What makes it that you start caring about certain people here? Sometimes I just want to say "hi" to e-friends, when I see they are online on yahoo or so. Sometimes I feel the need for txting them briefly, also just to say hi. I cant say its because I don't have friends in real life, cause I have some really good ones. Is it the "unknown", talking to persons you never met in real life? I know quite some personal things about some e-friends, things I wouldn't even share with my friends in real life ( all cause of the anonymity I guess). Subjects like relationships, sex and personal feelings are easy to share with e-friends. I cant imagine its only the anonymity of the Internet, there should be more.
Am I the only one who thinks that way? I wonder if there are others who think the same.