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Life & Events > Just a Weekend

Just a Weekend

My last post here was June 11 I must admit. Sorry for not writing much, its just rather busy here at work. Schoolyear almost has finished, just some exams to go here and then graduation.
Last Friday we had a "colleague-day". So no work but a day supposed to have fun with colleagues. It really was a nice day.. The weather could have been a bit better but it was dry.
We were invited in a beach-cafe in IJmuiden-beach (nearby). First off course we were served coffee and cake and then some things were explained to us. There were 2 programs to do. First a beach-program (morning-part). All colleagues had to do 3 things (there were 5 things to choose). I had chosen for: beach-volleyball, disc-golf (kind of golf but, instead of a golf stick and a ball, you had to throw a Frisbee into a bucket), and finally Archery. It all went very well. It was the first time I did the Frisbee-thing and I really liked it. After the 3 things it was lunch-time. A great variety if food was placed and we could eat all kind of things. From meat till fish, bread, salads and fruit.
The second part of the day was a GPS-walk. There was made a "digital path" in the dunes. We had to follow 34 "digital flags" on a GPS-device. We also had to look out for 10 objects shown on pics. It was needed to write down the exact location of those objects. During the walk there were 2 group-tasks to do. First task: built your own warp-device to throw a tennis ball as far as possible, with the use of 4 wooden poles and some rubber band. Task 2: Dig a treasure with help of compass and a metal-detector (degrees were given).
I must say it all was a lot of fun (also cause of the nice group I was in). When we arrived again some nice drinks were served. Most colleague's
wanted to go home in time cause Friday night was "the match of the weekend" at the European football championship. It was France agains Holland. We all had high expectations of the game after we defeated Italy on Monday. Well it was a thrilling game. First half 1 - 0 for "orange" second half started with 2 - 0 but then the French came back very well, they scored 2 - 1. The game finished with 4 - 1, we won again!!! Next one to beat: Romania (next Tuesday).

Saturday another special day. Both my wife and I became/become 50 years old this year so time to celebrate. My wife's birthday was in May, mine is in August so we decided to celebrate it somewhere between. We had invited about 55 persons, but received 10 mails from friends who weren't able to come. It was quite some organisation and the weather was not very steady. We finally rent a big tent in our garden to have enough "dry"space for all people. Also rent 2 terrace-heaters for "just in case". We were busy from 9 till 3 pm to make all things ready. All furniture removed from the living room. Built up the tent in the garden and burned a CD with a lot of mp3's to play (what's a party without music after all). I always hate disposal glasses, but was glad we made the decision to buy them, so not much dish-washing afterwards. We both enjoyed it very much. The food was great and all guests were having a great night.
Sunday was really a day after the night before. A bit tired we went to visit my father in law, cause after all it was father's day (btw I received some nice book-coupons from my kids). In the afternoon we had to do some cleaning, removed the party tent and we were settled again round 5 PM. For dinner an easy one: Mc Donalds (I still dont like that kind of food, just for the kids...)
So, after all... Did I enjoyed the weekend: yes, I did!

posted on June 16, 2008 5:17 AM ()


I kept on looking for my invitation--must have gotten lost in the ocean on its way over herebut Happy Birthday anyway--50??? Oh my you are getting OLD!
Any plans for a holiday trip while you are off from school??
comment by greatmartin on June 16, 2008 2:00 PM ()
I better wish you an early Happy Birthday because I'm likely to forget. Glad you had such a nice time with your work mates.
comment by mattguru18 on June 16, 2008 12:20 PM ()
The colleague day sounds like it was so much fun. I wish we did more of that.
Happy Birthday, my friend.
comment by lunarhunk on June 16, 2008 7:49 AM ()
It does sound like you had a great weekend! That colleagues day sounds like it was pretty fun, I enjoyed reading about that. Hey, I've caught some of the games on TV, but have not caught an "orange" game yet. Shame on me!
comment by donnamarie on June 16, 2008 6:44 AM ()
Happy Anniversary
comment by ducky on June 16, 2008 6:01 AM ()

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