Well my last contribution on mybloggers is already several day ago. So time for a follow up.
We spent quite an interesting weekend here. The weather was great and we had a lot to do. Friday night, because we were just with the 2 of us at home, we decided to go out for dinner. We searched for a nice restaurant and, because of the nice weather, we were able to eat outside. It was a nice steak with a good "red-wine"-sauce. Good tasting baked potatoes were added.
As some of you know we planned to do some rebuilding at our house next October. Saturday we decided to pick up some ideas for a new kitchen.
So we went to a shopping mall, specialized in furniture, kitchens and bath rooms. We saw some great things there but first we need to measure all things in the part of the living room that will become kitchen soon. Pity all kitchen devises are so terribly expensive ( when you want quality).
After visiting the mall, we went to the cinema o watch "Indiana Jones". In reply to AJ I already said that the beginning and the end were typical for "indiana movies". The middle part I sometimes experienced as a bit dull. Btw why is a Russian woman always shown as in this movie, with sunglasses and a terrible accent lol.
Sunday we had our weekly social visit to my father in law. Its been a month now since my MIL died. My father in law asked me to explain how the CD-player works so he would be able to listen to the cremation ceremony again. He is 84 right now and modern technology isnt quite "his thing". I explained several times now how to play a CD but he still cant make it on his own.
When we came home we decided that it was a good afternoon to clean our terrace in the backyard. A lot of weed had to be removed. It kept me busy for 3 hours grrrrrr. We should do it more often ( but that is something I always think of when busy with it).
Monday I had to teach my supermarket course again. Last time they complained about the amount of things they had to learn, Monday they had to do 2 exams about it. Results were average. Here we give marks from 1 till 10. You pass with an 5.5. Final result: 70 % passed (so 30 % failed). When you receive a 1 as a mark you didn't understand it at all I would say. Came home round 6 PM so it was quite a day.
Then finally Monday evening. For my country the first football (soccer) match at the European championship. Opponent: Italy, the World-champion. It was an amazing football play! We won 3 - 0!! (sorry Fredo). Next France to defeat!
It felt weird not posting for some time, but things were a bit busy lately. Be sure I read all your posts, but didn't comment on each one. Catch you soon again.
Have a good weekend (I'm posting this on Friday the 13th...creepy!)