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Life & Events > Busstrike


For several weeks now there are problems with public transport (busses not trains). Busdrivers want that their wages being raised more then that their employees want. The union wants for the next 2 years a raise of 4 % per year. Employees think that is too much.
Last few weeks there were strikes but, because of national exams that took place, busses were available from 7 AM till 9 AM and from 4 PM till 7 PM.
This week however, no exams anymore so a complete bus strike. It rather quiet here at school IO must admit. Some students come to school by bike but most students think,........ mmmm another day off.
Here exams will start at June 16. I just hope the strike will be over then....

posted on June 5, 2008 3:50 AM ()


I guess people who don't use public transportation or can get by without it don't really care but, for those who rely on the transportation a strike can be crippling. Drivers do deal with a lot of situations and they are providing a service so desperately needed by some people and a better alternative for transportation for others, so drivers should be compensated accordingly. Not knowing what they are being paid now or how much 4% actually represents, I can not offer an opinion on the fairness or unfairness of either side, though. And, too, how does a bus driver's pay compare to other jobs that are considered to be of similar type or level?
comment by donnamarie on June 6, 2008 7:34 PM ()
It is crazy. Public transport [train and bus] should be free and the drivers paid high wages to get the best drivers. only if we do that can we stop people using cars and adding to greenhouse gasses. Are the trams also on strike? in the rest of Europe trucks and fishermen are striking because of the price od petrol. How much is a litre of petrol in the Netherlands now?
comment by clovis on June 6, 2008 6:20 PM ()
Wow! That must be tough!
comment by lunarhunk on June 5, 2008 6:58 PM ()
I would be lost without public bus transportation!!!~
comment by greatmartin on June 5, 2008 6:28 PM ()
Here in Milwaukee our bus drivers are getting paid six-figure incomes allegedly (at least that's what the local news reported). I'm not sure if that's true for all city employed drivers but apparently it is for all unionized drivers.
Nice you got a few days off from school -- hope it was relaxing for you.
comment by mattguru18 on June 5, 2008 4:34 PM ()
Hope so all a lot of catching up to do.
Is that a lot of money there on the four percent?
Right,I can see where they t hink another day off.
why not.
comment by fredo on June 5, 2008 10:38 AM ()

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