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Life & Events > Just a Note

Just a Note

I usually never watch the list of those who visited my pages. I did it today by accident ( clicked wrong) and noticed a remarkable figure had watched my posts. Its Jenn aka texastar. Of all the ones here on mybloggers I never had thought she would visit my site. I dont know how to feel about it. Should I feel honoured? She never agreed to me on my replies on Blogster. She caused quite some anger there as well. She never agreed my posts, so why did she visit my site then. She, not really a "gay-friendly-person", probably despise me because of my friendslist here. It kept me busy weather I would put a note on her site or not. I decided to do not to avoid problems again.
"What made her decide to visit my site? " is keeping me busy now. Was it because because one of her "mates" overthere commented because I was too "pro-gay" again? Was it because I made some comments on her husbands comments?
Perhaps I get an answer, perhaps not. I could say I dont care but if that was true I would not write this post so its keeping me busy..... I cant stand that.

Waist of energy actually this post.

posted on June 4, 2008 4:09 AM ()


Ah, Robin... you are sensitive. I understand exactly how you feel. I have left several forums because of unnecessarily snappy/unpleasant comments about my opinions. I find it very difficult to cope with the idea that someone dislikes me. If she's a bigot, then be proud that you aren't her friend. I like you!
comment by clovis on June 6, 2008 6:17 PM ()
I can't speak for anyone else but I do not choose to read someones blog because I agree with them. I personally enjoy learning from all angles as I hope others here do as well. How boring a life would be to only read about what you agree with/or like minded.
comment by pecan on June 4, 2008 5:06 PM ()
Our blogs are public. Anyone can browse and visit. It don't mean nuthin.
comment by jondude on June 4, 2008 2:45 PM ()
Just because people have diffferences doesn't make them spiteful. If they are spiteful it is that they are that way most of the time. I'm sure that we wouldn't agree on everything, but I respect your right to have your belief or lifestyle or whatever. Jenn is one of my friends, but I have not seen a bad side to her. She has always been very loving and supportive. As lunar said, she has been really nice to him. Why not just believe that she dropped by to see you?
comment by angiedw on June 4, 2008 11:02 AM ()
This I did not know?
AJ is always polite.
comment by fredo on June 4, 2008 9:37 AM ()
I don't know why you might have been visited, either, but keep in mind that not all visitors necessarily agree or like who or what they are visiting. Sometimes, it is just to "see" what is being said or discussed, just to know what the "general mood" is or what subjects are currently the "hot topics". I don't know if you are familiar with Pat Robertson or the 700 Club (a religious-runned/backed news and faith individual and show with some tremendous popularity). I do not agree or like most of what is discussed/presented by him and his colleagues on that show, but I do tune in to see what information is being poured out to the "faithful" because it often helps to sense an upcoming wave of opinion and movement. But, sometimes, some people just like to spy on what others are saying or doing ...it gives them something to talk about (often behind the backs of those spied on) or to help fuel their own bigotries and efforts to convince others to believe in the same. I wouldn't worry about it, though, and I wouldn't bother to do anything. It's only your suspicions about it right now that are the issue, not that there is any ground for believing that anything is actually wrong.
comment by donnamarie on June 4, 2008 9:30 AM ()
Haven't/won't waste a moment thinking of it--a leopard does not change its spots and a 'I'm sorry' doesn't make up for all the hurt and pian caused to others.
comment by greatmartin on June 4, 2008 8:15 AM ()
It can be a mystery. She used to visit my site at Blogster and has done so a few times here. I am not sure why she, but she has always been really nice to me. I am not sure why she has done that, but I figure I can be polite back.
comment by lunarhunk on June 4, 2008 8:07 AM ()

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