The modern technology is great I must admit. It makes it possible to communicate with everyone we want all over the world. For me personally it made it possible to make good and deep friendships with some great people in UK, USA, Serbia, Turkey, Australia and some other countries.
Modern technology however makes us also very dependent. When there is a technical problem the consequences can be very big. I tell this because some hours ago there was a "little" problem with the wiring in the surroundings of my school.
Results: no internet, no network, and because our school uses VOIP (voice over IP) also the phone didn't work. The problem lasted 2 hours in which I couldnt do much. I only was able to clean up a bit (already did that the day after my audit lol).
Imagine what can happen when one of the main wires will be cut off? Will there be any kind of life? It wouldnt be possible to pay in shops, no light, no PC, no phone, no TV...... Are we able to deal with that for some time??????