Just a short post to tell you it feels a bit strange that all the stressy things are over now.
The audit was bothering me for quite some time. It went very well and yesterday I was not in a real working mood. There was no voice in my head telling me: inspection is coming, inspection is coming...... Yesterday was a day i actually did nothing. It started with the evaluation of my job with my manager. He is satisfied. There is just one thing to work on ... trying to be a bit more assertive, but that was all. He actually put a feather in my ar#e (thats how we say it here in Holland lol)
For the rest of the day: I read blogs here. I commented a bit. I drank too much coffee. I talked with collegues a lot.
Today, its already past 10 AM, I did nothing so far as well. Read posts, commented on blogster to Joezsrepublicanpage's (yes he again) reply on a post of the team about porn-spam. I commeneted here on mybloggers and still not in a mood for work.
My collegue who sits opposite of me is in a meeting so.... gives me time to write again as well.
I just want to say it felt good receiving all kinds of comments again. Missed mybloggers a lot and I am glad i have more time available again here. Thx to you all.....
I'm glad everything went as well as it did at work and that you could just make this workday your own kind of day.