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Life & Events > Why Did I Comment

Why Did I Comment

On blogster I commented to Joezsrepublicanpage. Why did I do that? I knew better, but couldnt resist.....
Consequences: reply..comment .. reply ..comment... I hope it will stop now, because my comments werent meant for replies. I even asked him to stop commenting but he will go on I am sure. Here what I received so far:

Than k you ,I don't like getting messages from sluts wanting to sell me phictures and other stuff , BLOCK THEM FOR LIFE !!!!

itsjustme said 22 hours ago
to joezsrepublicanpage I try to reply but it appears as a reply on this post (perhaps another bug) :

"No offensive or defamatory comments: Comments must not be abusive, deceptive, defamatory, derogatory, fraudulent, harassing, harmful, hateful, indecent, obscene, offensive, pornographic, profane, racist, sexist, sexually explicit, threatening, vulgar, or otherwise objectionable as determined by BLOGSTER.COM in its sole discretion."

you can see there are more words then just "pornographic". "Offensive" and "hatefull"are also not tolerated in comments. You are used to use these kind of words a lot so I hope ur warned as well.

JOEZsREPUBLICANPAGE said 17 hours ago
Could you please show me where I have used "Offensive or Hateful words to you !!!!!!!

itsjustme said 14 hours ago
as a reply to Joezsrep.

Well just re-read your letter to Kendal. I also will give you a link to one of my posts. I removed the name of the one who commented then cause of respect but I now can tell you it was you ( btw you already knew that)


dont tell me it wasnt you. Some other examples can be found at vladimirs posts and on ekoprogressive's one. So....examples enough

btw its impossible for me to copy and paste ur comments cause ur pages are set to privacy...look for them yourself and see how disrespectful you are.

JOEZsREPUBLICANPAGE said 12 hours ago
Golly mister itsjustme I have not posted anything to those two in a longgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg time and when I did it was the TRUTH if they and you can't handle the truth ,, that's your bag of rocks to carry around !!!!

JOEZsREPUBLICANPAGE said 12 hours ago
Oh by the way I'm proud of everything I post and never try to hide who I am like some cowards on here do !!!!!!!

itsjustme said 5 hours ago
I know its been a long time ago, but u asked for examples and I cant imagine your attitude is changed. They sure can handle the truth. They are NOT cowards at all. BTW you asked me when you were hateful towards me and the prove is in those posts, thats why I mentioned them. Didnt want to c&p them all, costs me too much time. The link I send you is enough to prove your disrespect to others I assume. Already said before, being proud of your narrow thinking says enough. Pls dont reply anymore ..we had this all before. I know how you think, you set your blog to privacy..pls keep it that way!

Stay under your rock !!!

itsjustme said 38 minutes ago
as long as you stay under yours

JOEZsREPUBLICANPAGE said 23 minutes ago
I'm going to cover your's with concret

itsjustme said 8 minutes ago
I already asked pls dont reply, its not adding anything at all. It only dirts my mailbox.


I hope it stops now, if not i will block him.....

posted on May 23, 2008 5:49 AM ()


I jumped in just for shitz and giggles...
comment by ekyprogressive on May 27, 2008 5:43 AM ()
I have yet to comment on a joez anything, for I have not left a single word on any post or comment he has ever made. I have read some of the words he has written, mostly by accident, and I have wanted to "put my two cents in", but he is not worth my time or effort. I have even encountered some nice, friendly comments he has left on other bloggers' posts, but I will not even acknowledge seeing him there. Will I ever communicate with him? I hope not, but I will and I am willing if he attacks me or anybody else on my page or in my presence.
comment by donnamarie on May 26, 2008 7:34 PM ()
I have always believed there is good in evryone--jozie has proved me wrong thoughy I do read him for a laugh now and then--I don't comment on his blogs but he still brings up my name and is always saying someone is James (eckyprogress)--I think he has a thing for James!!!
comment by greatmartin on May 23, 2008 7:05 PM ()
Just stay away from him.He is or she is dangerous
This guy has a lot of mental problems.
He one sicko piece of schitt.

He is mental
comment by fredo on May 23, 2008 9:52 AM ()

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