Saying goodbye is hard ....Happy that there is MyBloggers!
After reading AJ's post about leaving Blogster and just read subscribed blogs there I thought: why wouldn't I do the same.
It feels difficult and with mixed feelings to leave a place where I met a lot of good friends.
Last months I already posted on MyBloggers and copied all my things to Blogster as well. Problem, well not a big problem but sometimes inconvenient, was that I received comments on both websites. In my mailbox notifications from both sites about same blogs (cause there were more who c&p posts to the other site).
Most difficult feeling was to unsubscribe on beloved persons at Blogster. It really is, for that, the end of a good period.
Off course I will keep visiting Blogster, cause some friends of me still post only there for various reasons. I just mention Donna and Dale (panthurdreams and "theboyz"). I always love reading their posts and watching their pics so I will continue doing that. Dale when you decide to do them all on mybloggers as well pls let me know.
Its a pity it all was caused by a "not-well-done" migration of Blogster. It caused a lot of frustration which made a lot of friends decide to look somewhere else. Another reason was that the migration on Blogster took too much time with too much difficulties. The fact that "Blogster-users" weren't informed very well also caused a lot of bad Blogster-feelings with me.
As I said before: Pity things happened as they happened. It feels a bit like betrayal but I can live with the decision I made now. I owe Blogster a lot because it gave me several good friends with whom I talk regularly by mail or messenger. It added something special to me.
It feels good I meet them all here again.......