There I sit, behind my desk. The last hour before I will be off for 5 weeks.
Thinking about last weeks, they were busy but they also were special.
Think about the coming weeks: what will happen?
Some of you deal with big issues, like health and emotional feelings. I cant help it but they are keeping me busy as well. Sometimes you feel a little helpless not able to do anything at all about certain situations. I will just mention two of my dear friends.
To Martin I will say: I want to wish you all the best for the coming weeks. You will have a difficult time and be sure you are in my thoughts my friend. I will catch you when I am back home again, be sure.
Another special friend of me is dealing with a difficult personal situation. Dragan, I know you will read this, dont hesitate to txt me when necessary. You know that you are in my thoughts as well.
To my other dear ones here: I hope to catch you all again when I am back. I will not post anymore, just read your posts till Saturday. The only thing whats left to do here is unsubscribing here. Be sure I will subscribe when I am back I just dont want to see an overfilled mailbox when I am back.
Take care all!