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Life & Events > Finally a Post Again ...

Finally a Post Again ...

Just some facts:
• I need to post more, but don't find the time ...lol
• Being busy also has its benefits. A working day is gone before you know it, but on the other hand: what to do with all the work that isn't done at the end of the day????
• No, I don't feel stressed right now lol
• I still like my job a lot , I just need to have a bit more time
• Just after i posted my blog about Kos, I received a message that a good colleague had a stroke. He is a man who always lives very healthy, sports a lot and eats in a good way. No overweight or any other fact that increases the risk of a stroke... He is doing a lot better right now but he didn't went to the hospital right away what caused more damage to the heart then necessary. Made me realize it can happen to all of us.......
• The football club i volunteered for so many years by doing the administration, celebrated their 25th anniversary. Everybody was invited for a big reunion of old club members and later we had a BBQ with a nice party. It was fun and brought back a lot of good memories.
• Our new cats (mother and daughter) are doing fine. No shy feelings at all from them. Actually the kitten is quite brutal and does a lot of things she isn't allowed to do ( but she is young.....) She likes to play a lot and it's a pleasure watching it all. Both cats are exploring the garden now and Luna (the half year old one) even jumps on the fence to explore my neighbors garden.
• My sons new home is finished now, he already lives there for 3 weeks now. This week the furniture finally will arrive. Problem was that the table still was missing, but that problem is solved now.
• Here "Groupon" also is getting a bit hit. My wife subscribed and from then we receive a lot of offers. It sometimes feels like "mailgarbage" but now and then a nice offer is made. We decided to accept an offer for a 2-person dinner including a prosecco when entering, a starter including a wine, a main-course including a wine and a desert including coffee or tee. All for the price of 49 euro. Usually we pay about 80 till 90 euro for a meal like that so it was a good offer. Specially for marin the following: we didnt knew the content of the food but last Sunday we went there and, I must admit that is was a good meal. As a starter we got a carpaccio ( very thin cut filet, with rucula salad, parmesan cheese and a nice dressing). Main course was a sea bass with a nice sauce and vegetables (dont know if you have them in USA but here its called garden-beans lol). For desert we had a mousse of white chocolate accompanied by fresh strawberries. A cappuccino made it all complete.
• My son finally got his new car, which lasted a lot more then expected when he bought it. He is proud of his Seat leon.
• We are busy planning our summer-holiday but its getting difficult to make reservations on campings we would like to stay on. ! Week already is booked in "Schwarzwald" ( in english its called the black forest in the south of Germany, close to Switzerland). Week 2 is planned for lake Como in Italy (but so far no campings available) and week 3 we will stay at lake garda ( also Italy and already booked). I only can hope i will find a camping place for week 2. We leave July 25th so there is some time left....
• Just heard on the news: Again a vulcano on Iceland erupted.... again a lot of plains wont fly when the leave to the north.... omg a vulcano can cause a lot of trouble....
Catch you soon again.......

posted on May 24, 2011 7:05 AM ()


Very newsy. Sounds like everything is going well--except for finding a camping spot. I bet the Black Forest area has changed since I last was there in 1967! Good luck.
comment by solitaire on May 26, 2011 6:24 AM ()
It's always good to hear from you, your vacation plans sound lovely. We don't have Seat cars here in the states. I don't know why not, I guess if the manufacturer doesn't choose to support them here by making parts available, that would keep people from importing one on their own.
comment by troutbend on May 24, 2011 10:51 AM ()
Congrats on your son's new house. It is great to get settled in.
I hope your friend has a speedy recovery. After Ray's stroke this past January, I learned that there can be a strong recovery. He is pretty much back to doing just about everything he did before. He even mowed the lawn this past weekend.
comment by lunarhunk on May 24, 2011 7:59 AM ()
'He is a man who always lives very healthy, sports a lot and eats in a good way. No overweight' There's a lesson there for all of us--leading a healthy life is dangerous!
No wonder you don't have time to blog--you are too bust eating and traveling!! Didn't you just get back from a trip?
Yes a lot of the groupon deals are garbage but every once in awhile we get a good one.
Okay with the sons getting new cars and new homes I think it is time for the parents to retire!
comment by greatmartin on May 24, 2011 7:50 AM ()

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