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Cranky Swamp Yankee

Health & Fitness > Yes. it is All About Me!

Yes. it is All About Me!

It was about eight or nine months ago (I’m terrible with time!) that I went to my doctor, and she told me that I had elevated blood glucose levels and high cholesterol. In other words, I was a diabetic who was in danger of having a heart attack.
When she read my results to me, I could see the concern in her face. Then she said in her cute and deliberate Polish accent, "Jim, you are one of my favorite patients. It would be very, very sad for me if you did not live so long."
I had three options  

  1. I could take the natural remedial course of eating properly and exercising,

  2. I could begin taking prescription medications for diabetes and cholesterol,

  3. I could do nothing and more than likely experience a premature death.

My doctor recommended the first option, and I begrudgingly agreed with her. I told her that I would do everything in my power to bring things under control. She then made an appointment for me to come back in four months or so with new blood work.
Now, I had already been exercising – running and doing resistance training with my Bowflex machine four days a week. I really thought that if I increased my exercise time, I wouldn’t have to monitor my food intake.
Four months later, I went back to the doctor. I had lost thirty pounds
…and my blood glucose and cholesterol levels were higher than ever.
Dr. K. was dismayed and I was distraught. I could see the concern in her face as she put her hand on mine and said, "Jim. I am worried really worried about you." She then explained that diabetes can lead to blindness, liver failure and kidney failure, and it could increase a person’s probability of heart attack and stroke.
High cholesterol can lead to stroke and heart attack also.
However, rather than put me on medication just then, she suggested that I try the natural route of modified diet and exercise once again. Only this time, I should not discount the "diet" side of the equation!

I agreed. So she made an appointment for me with a registered dietician and told me to come back to her with new blood work in four months.
That four-month period ended today. I just came from the doctor’s office. Here are my blood work results:
My fasting blood glucose level is 117. That’s down considerably from the last time. I’m now considered to be pre-diabetic. (100 – 124 is pre-diabetic. 125 and higher is full-blown diabetes.)
My overall cholesterol level is 182. 200 and lower is good. Mine was 224 the last time.
My HDL (good) cholesterol level is 50. (40 or higher is desirable)
My LDL (bad) cholesterol level is 122. (130 or lower is desirable.)
My resting pulse rate is 55. (Normal pulse rate is 70-80.) This indicates that my heart is strong and very efficient.
My blood pressure is excellent at 120/70.
My tri-gycerides and lipid levels are both low, which are good things.
Also, within the last eight months, I’ve lost a total of 36 lbs.( Today at the doctor’s office, I was measured at a height of 6 feet even and a weight of 182 lbs.)
After going over my results with me, Dr. K stood up and hugged me! (That’s the type of relationship that we have.)
She was beaming as she said, "Jim! This is such wonderful news! I am very proud of you!" She patted her very pregnant belly and said, "Now you will live to see pictures of my new baby and tell me how beautiful he is!"
She told me that, if I keep doing what I’m doing, my numbers will continue to drop.
She also confided in me that, at first, she was skeptical if I could do it on my own. "After six years of practice, you are the FIRST patient who listened to me, and had success without meds!"
Her only suggestion was that I take four grams of Omega Three oils (fish oil) a day to reduce my LDL cholesterol levels faster. (While 130 is the threshold level for most people, because I am currently pre-diabetic, she would like my LDL level to get down to 100 or lower, and fish oil will help with that.)
How did I do it? I’ll explain in the next post.

posted on Oct 9, 2008 12:31 PM ()


A worthy accomplishment. Conquering ourselves is often harder than conquering many other things. Congratulations on a longer, healthier life. I went through something similar last year and got myself in gear with exercise and diet. It worked and the best part.....NO MEDS!! Great job!
comment by jerms on Oct 18, 2008 9:28 AM ()
Congrats! That's awesome news!
comment by mellowdee on Oct 17, 2008 6:42 PM ()
Awesome! People have been getting healthy the natural way long before meds were discovered. And no side effects!
comment by busymichmom on Oct 16, 2008 8:52 AM ()
comment by kristilyn3 on Oct 14, 2008 9:13 AM ()
You are an inspiration!
comment by marta on Oct 10, 2008 8:27 PM ()
Good for you, Jim. I wish you could clone that doctor and send the clones all over the country. I feel about doctors the same way they feel about lawyers.
comment by looserobes on Oct 10, 2008 3:41 PM ()
Good Job
comment by meranda on Oct 10, 2008 7:22 AM ()
You can be proud Jim. 80 percent of the people who have diabetes don't follow a diet or exercise at their own peril. I sincerely believe no matter want we confront in life, we should always turn it into a challenge for positive change. It's a great story...keep it up!
comment by strider333 on Oct 9, 2008 9:18 PM ()
She sounds like a wonderful Doc to have.... I would keep her around~ We are all glad you will be with us for another 200 years... heck, Grumpy is already~ well, I won't go there.
PS. As far as my feet, I had one hot spot on my heel, so the new boots did well for the first hike of the year. Smoochies to Mary.
comment by cindy on Oct 9, 2008 7:47 PM ()
Trust me the last two months have not been fun and my cholesterol has been under 200 AND I watch my weight and diet BUT I don't exercise--you stick to the diet and I'll exercise--how does that sound??
comment by greatmartin on Oct 9, 2008 5:35 PM ()
comment by jondude on Oct 9, 2008 3:48 PM ()
way ta go, Jimmy. excellent progress. my doctor is not nearly as kind and sympathetic. he's always on me about my weight and he's right of course. But he could be a little more sublte and not say things like(in voice of Apu) "I see you're having a biscuit overdose again" or "Nurse, bring in the livestock scale."

yer and I notice HE hasn't missed any meals lately pal
comment by honeybugg on Oct 9, 2008 3:18 PM ()
Good for you Jim!! So glad to hear that it is working for you!! It does feel good to lose wt. I lost 25 pounds the month of July and have been able to keep it off. Still wanting to lose more and it is working so far. Way to go!!
comment by texastar on Oct 9, 2008 2:58 PM ()
A patient who listens to their Dr. I'll have to tell my wife about you

... BTW, excellent progress.
comment by stiva on Oct 9, 2008 1:18 PM ()
That is so awesome, Jim. Very, very few people can do this on their own. You are to be congratulated for your dedication to your diet and your exercise program.
comment by redimpala on Oct 9, 2008 12:55 PM ()

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