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Cranky Swamp Yankee

Life & Events > Technology and Me

Technology and Me

Listen to me.

It wasn't my fault.

It just freaking happened!!

I had nothing to do
with it!

Sometimes I really
think that the cards are stacked against me, especially when it comes
to most things electronic.

Okay. So, what

Well, when I go to
bed at night, I always take a glass of water with me.

Sometimes I wake up
in the middle of the night dying of thirst. So I always take a full
glass with me and put it on the nightstand next to my bed.

I also put my
cellphone on the same nightstand, because I use the Alarm Clock
feature on it to wake me up in the morning.

Now, five days out
of the week, I wake up at 4:20 a.m. I get up that freaking early
because I leave for work at 6:15 a.m., and I like to go out on a
three-mile run with my dog Fritz before or just at sunrise. Then I
feed the horses and the pony, take a shower, meditate, and head out
the door for work.

Well, on this
particular morning, that didn't happen.

I was awaken by my
female German Shepherd, Dixie.(Dixie is pushing eleven years old, and
she has little to no bladder control any longer.) On the morning in
question, Dixie licked my face and proceeded to dance around the
bedroom and squealing, with her much-in-need-of-clipping toenails
clicking sharply on the bare wood floors. If she could have crossed
her legs, I believe she would have done just that.

I sat up in bed,
and let my head clear out a bit.

What the hell time is it,
I wondered. As I fumbled for my glasses, Dixie looked at me and said,
“Now, Dad! Damn it! This
isn't a freaking request! Get your dead ass out of that bed and let me

(I heard her say that just as clear as a bell.)

So, I bounded out of bed and stumbled blindly down the stairs. When I
opened the front door, Dixie carreened past me like she was shot out
of a cannon - just one, sleek, black-and-tan blur!

When I got back into the bedroom, I grabbed the clock and squinted at

5 a.m.

5 a.m.????

Shit! What the hell happened to my freaking cellphone alarm clock?

I grabbed the phone off of my nightstand.

here's something strange. The phone is


The phone was dead. Not just dead, but DEEEEEAAAaaaaaaaAADDDDD!

I hit the power button a dozen times.

Que Nada.

I woke Mary up.

She told me to take her hairdryer to it and then seal it in a baggie
with two cups of uncooked rice.

“And leave it for the day!” She said in her Teacher Voice. “Don't
keep taking it out to check on it!”

I was almost offended by her tone, but, deep in my heart, I knew that
she was right. Left to my own devices, I would be checking the thing
every three minutes.

So, I fed the animals, showered, meditated . . . and left the bag of
rice home when I took off for work.

I thought about the phone all day long.

How did it happen? The only thing that I could figure was the damned
cat was to blame. In the past, I've caught Smokey drinking out of my
water glass.And now I wondered if the stupid little creature got
thirsty during the night, and thinking that she is ALWAYS entitled to
the freshest of the water sources, took the opportunity to drink out
my glass, tipping the cup slightly, and spilling some of its contents
onto my phone.

Dumb little ass!

Sometimes I really hate her.

If only she wasn't so damned cute and lovable.

Then I thought, Could stupid Smokey really spill that much water
out of the glass without tipping the glass over?
I didn't think
so. But what other explanation was there, other than admitting that I might have knocked the glass in my sleep and made the water slosh
over the rim and onto the phone?

It was the damned cat. No matter how improbable the scenerio
appeared, it was the damned cat.

I have had issues with cellphones and water before, and none of them
ended up good. So I knew that the phone, and all of the phone
numbers, pictures and appointment schedules it contained, were now
just fond memories.

First thing I did when I got to work was alert all my friends by
email about what had happened, and I asked them to send me their
phone numbers so that I could put them on the new phone I was going
to get.

Then, I spent the rest of the day wondering if the old phone was
going to work when I got home.

I thought of all of those pictures of my grandchildren, of my
animals, of beautiful nature scenes that would be gone if the phone
was dead.

I thought of all the time involved with punching in ALL OF THOSE
PHONE NUMBERS that would have to take place if the phone was dead.

I tried to remember all of the dates and times of my appointments
that would be inaccessable to me if the phone was dead.

AND GUESS WHAT??????!!!!!!!!!!

. . .

the phone was dead.

in the day, I had called Mary Ellen (from the archaic land line phone
on my desk at work) and said, “If the phone is dead when I get
home, I'll just run
the way down
to the
phone store and get a new one...( I was hoping that she would hear
the unspoken appendage to that sentence, which was, “Even though I
so hard all day long
earning money for us
you, being retired, have
of this free time on your hands
and could easily do the task for
during the day so
that I could get some
when I come home.”

She didn't.

She simply replied with a cheery, “All right, My Honey! See you
when get back with your new phone! I love you!”

so stupid and unperceptive sometimes?

I then gave her my “the cat did it” explanation.

response was, “Really?
That's interesting!”
(Translation: “Jim, you're full of shit!”)

So, anyway, as exhausted as I was when I came home from work, I
grabbed the old phone out of the rice bag, tried one last time to
turn it on, realized that it had really gone the way of the dinosaurs
and the Do-do Bird, and headed off to the phone store.

When I got there, some twelve-year-old clerk with acne on his cheeks
and a huge Dennis The Menace cowlick came up to me with a “Can I
help you, sir?”

I handed him my phone and asked, “It got soaked. Can you save it?”

He examined it like a jeweler would a diamond, and then he sighed,
grimaced and shook his head.

“What about all the data stored on it? Isn't there a chip or a card
or something that you can remove and download the info onto another

He asked me if the phone had been equipped with a “data backup

“How the hell should I know,” was my learned response. “What
the hell is that, an Old Fart App?”

He smiled and replied, “Actually more college students than older
folks wreck their phones with liquids. Usually beer. What happened
with this one?”

I explained to him about the cat and the glass.

He raised his eyebrows and said, “Really? That's interesting!”

Fuck him.

He then fooled around with the new phone for a moment and said, “I
just activated the data backup program in this for you so that you
can retrieve all of your data the next time the cat acts up.”

So I got the phone for twenty-one dollars and a two-year extension on
my Verizon Wireless contract, and I've spent the last two days
manually inputting phone numbers and other valuable and needed info.

I really miss the pics though.

posted on Sept 19, 2011 5:11 AM ()


$21 for a phone? Wow. Who makes it -- Mickey Mouse? I never see anything worth while for less than $100. Anyway, Ed had a new phone because his died. I foomfed along with mine -- ancient and creepy too. Then as luck would have it, it fell out of my walking pouch and was irretrievably lost. Yay!!! So I got a new phone. Don't use it a lot but it sure is pretty. Haven't programmed any numbers into it -- still don't know how.
Don't think I'll ever catch up.
comment by tealstar on Jan 11, 2012 11:46 AM ()
that's why i have a bottle of water at my bedside, with a cap on it! one time hubby dropped his cell phone in the snow, could not find it for days. our son came across it while he was playing in the snow. it still works! (after hubby went out and bought a new phone)
comment by elkhound on Sept 20, 2011 6:27 AM ()
I don't have to worry about anything like that. My phone is for emergencies so my phone is never turned on. My phone never leaves my purse because my phone is never used. I have never spilled water in my purse. Why do I have a cell phone you ask? Good question.
comment by nittineedles on Sept 20, 2011 12:34 AM ()
I honestly think I peed myself a bit while I read this. Especially the part about the twelve year old at the phone store.Thank you for brightening my otherwise rotten day...
comment by juliansmom on Sept 19, 2011 5:36 PM ()
Glad you enjoyed it, now go and wash out your underpants!
reply by hayduke on Sept 20, 2011 9:27 AM ()
Why don't you just email people and ask them to text or call you once the new phone is activated? That way you can just add their names... Just a thought. R has ruined some phones with water, and I did one year on my birthday... I heard the loud splash as it hit the toilet out of my pocket. I was sad!!! The pictures are hard to lose though. I totally understand that. Moving forward maybe you can email your favorite pics to yourself so that you have them if ever the cat acts up again.
comment by kristilyn3 on Sept 19, 2011 7:51 AM ()
Being as stupid as I am with these little electronic demons, I discovered that I could do as you say - take the phone numbers from text messages and add them to the phone book. HOWEVER, I discovered it AFTER I had manually typed in about 100,000 phone numbers from emails!
reply by hayduke on Sept 19, 2011 8:15 AM ()
Moral? Don't own a cell phone? Don't have a cat (or dog)? Ignore your wife? Sales-kids are punks? Sleep in?
comment by solitaire on Sept 19, 2011 5:53 AM ()
well, we well knew what you would say.
reply by tealstar on Jan 11, 2012 11:43 AM ()
I agree with Kristy's reply to your comment!
reply by hayduke on Sept 19, 2011 8:13 AM ()
None of the above aside from sleep in.
reply by kristilyn3 on Sept 19, 2011 7:51 AM ()

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