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Cranky Swamp Yankee

Life & Events > Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts

This is how a Sunday afternoon should be - snug, peaceful and laid back. I sit here at this computer now, peering out of a second-story window that overlooks a riding ring and a pasture that is covered with a thick and quieting blanket of snow.
My Palomino, Mariah, and Mary Ellen's Quarterhorse, Hoo, are playing together at the far end of the pasture by the tree line on the ridge, throwing their heads and chasing each other, while the pony and our Appaloosa look on from a short distance away.
Snow has been falling on and off for three days now. We've got a little over a foot of the white stuff. Somehow, it's comforting and Christmasy to me. I'm relaxed now.

- I finally made peace again this year with the fact that my Dad isn't around. For some reason, it was tougher this year than in the five Christmases since his death. But I'm fine now.
I have a picture of him on top of this computer monitor. He's laughing in the picture. Makes me feel good to see it. People say that I'm the spitting image of him...He was a DAMNED good looking guy!

- Plenty of food in the freezer. Plenty of wood in the basement and in the pile out back. All of my kids are in their respective homes. All of my friends are safe and happy. All the animals are content. Hell, I say "Let it snow!"

- Christmas presents are all wrapped.
I don't care how corny this sounds - while wrapping presents today, I put on a Bing Crosby record. There's just something about that voice singing "White Christmas" and "Silent Night" that makes me feel SO GOOD!
I remember happy times as a kid when the family would gather around the TV to watch Bing's Christmas Specials. He always ended every one of them with "White Christmas."

- As we do every Saturday and Sunday morning when we're home, Mary Ellen and I had our coffee in the hot tub. There's something wonderful about it being 21 degrees outside, snow falling on your head, and sitting in the hot tub with your Honey drinking coffee and talking about the day to come.

- My friends mean a lot to me, and I've got a lot of them. Most of them keep in touch via the telephone. Some do it with emails. Others with text messages. Still others via facebook.
No matter what the medium that's being used, the messages all have the same effect on me. They make me feel good and loved. I sure hope my friends feel the same thing coming back at them from me!
I usually see a bunch of them every week, particularly on Sunday evenings. (Stein night at The Main Street Pub.) Not this week though. The roads are covered with snow.

- Mary Ellen and I are HUGE UConn Husky basketball fans. (We live about five minutes from the UConn campus.) The Men UConn Huskies basketball team played Gonzaga last night in Seattle and won in a real nail-biter! GREAT game!
The Women Huskies play this afternoon at four-thirty. Can't wait.

- This morning, Mary Ellen told me that she believes that we are all put here for a purpose. She said that she believes that we are all here to either teach or to learn lessons.
She asked me if I believed that. (She and I have had many similar discussions in the past, and she knows that I struggle with the concept of a Universal Plan and a Higher Power.)
I looked out the window at our German Shepherd sitting in the snow and watching the horses frollick in the pasture. I smiled and said, "What possible things could Dixie be learning here?"
My wife didn't miss a beat. "Maybe she's a teacher," Mary Ellen replied. "Look at how happy she is! Dixie teaches me to just love life to the fullest all day and every day."
I love this woman SO MUCH!

posted on Dec 21, 2008 11:01 AM ()


Your a very good writer Jim. Your mental picture of the scene of the horses frolicking outside your window was a Christmas gift to us all. (Few would guess you actually live in a second story walk up in Brooklyn )
Merry Christmas my friend and a Blessed New Year!
comment by justmyopinion on Dec 24, 2008 5:55 AM ()
Jim, I guess it's natural to miss your Dad at Christmas. The funny thing is that I miss my parents in May, when they left (quite a few years apart -- they both were born in August and left in May. Extra fine images in this post! You love your animals and of course, MARY ELLEN!! Lovely life!

Maybe you should post a picture of your Dad to let us see how much he looks like you.
comment by sunlight on Dec 23, 2008 1:02 PM ()
You have it made my friend. Merry Christmas
comment by grumpy on Dec 23, 2008 8:38 AM ()
Love the imagery of what you see from your window. The horses frolicking in the snow! What a great mental picture for a horselover like me. Merry Christmas to you and Mary Ellen!
comment by redimpala on Dec 22, 2008 1:08 PM ()
I love Bing Crosby. He makes me happy!
comment by spicybitch on Dec 22, 2008 1:01 PM ()
Thanks. And yes... we've been realllllly hit with snow. J n' I looked at each other yesterday almost regretting our pleas for a white winter (only because we have to travel out to his folks place today... and it's definitely not fun driving weather.) Oh well, it still looks beautiful though.
comment by mellowdee on Dec 22, 2008 10:42 AM ()
You and Mary Ellen
comment by stiva on Dec 22, 2008 10:42 AM ()
Beautiful post. I love listening to Christmas songs (and especially Bing) when I'm wrapping my gifts too. Enjoy the season.
comment by mellowdee on Dec 22, 2008 9:39 AM ()
It's a sweet life Jim.
comment by shesaidwhat on Dec 22, 2008 7:33 AM ()
Oooo your on facebook??? I wanna find ya!
I listen to Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton... I grew up listening to them so that totally puts me in the Christmas spirit!
comment by kristilyn3 on Dec 22, 2008 6:34 AM ()
Can't get much better than that. You're one of the fortunates.
comment by solitaire on Dec 22, 2008 6:17 AM ()
And I sat at The Point in the sun, reading the paper, watching the boats and water skiers, looking up and seeing the Goodyear blimp and a red helicopter and thinking "Life is Great!"
comment by greatmartin on Dec 21, 2008 1:28 PM ()
You painted a wonderful picture this morning of your life. Thanks for sharing. Personally, I'm teaching algebra to the grandson this morning and it isn't so serene and calming.
comment by anniel on Dec 21, 2008 12:17 PM ()
It's been snowing here too, although we don't have quite that much on the ground yet at 1600 feet. The mailbox is in bad shape already, tho. Not off the post, but spinning--damn plow. Oh well, the afternoons are getting longer already and the clocks will spring ahead in less than 90 days, can't complain!
comment by jjoohhnn on Dec 21, 2008 11:22 AM ()

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