Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Life & Events > Wow! I Have Been (And Am) Lucky!

Wow! I Have Been (And Am) Lucky!

I haven't been ambitious, had goals or even came close to being a workaholic (except for the first two years I lived in Memphis) but I have had quite a life.

Yes, there were low and really bad times but they were/are so outnumbered by the good and high times they almost disappear in the scheme of things.

In no order of importance I:

was born to late to feel the depression and too soon to serve in WW 2

was in NYC during the Golden Age of the Theatre and saw all the original classic plays, musicals and performers.

was there for the Golden Age of Televison.

saw all the must see pictures of the 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s--the Golden Age of the Movies and stars.

was primed, ready and participated in the sexual revolution in the 60s and 70s.

was a big fish in a small pond for almost 10 years.
traveled to/through all but 2 of the 50 States and to New Zealand, Canada, British Columbia, Australia, South America, Mexico, Cuba, Tahiti, etc.

was loved and loved unconditionally.

always had (and still do have) friends who cared for me and who I cared for.

had books published and short stories and articles in magazines, newspapers and anthologies

overcame alcoholism, obesity and being an habitual liar and experienced tremendous growth through analysis

been alone for many years but haven't experienced loneliness or boredom

survived being broke, bankruptcy and having a broken heart

turned around from being a very angry young man to a loving human being.

with very few exceptions enjoyed/enjoy good health

came to enjoy every day if for no other reason than to see what Mother nature has in store each day

cared/care for many, disliking very few and forgiving most I have disliked or who have treated me badly

have a roof (a nice one) over my head, food in, and for, my belly plus being able to live independently

lived as both a rich and poor man and in both cases enjoying the fact that I am/was alive

I can keep on going about how lucky I have been, and am, but the bottom line is that I have experienced so much more than many have and with very few regrets

Life is good even with the most dire of circumstances as I have learned even those have made me who I am today and I haven't a complaint about the results.

I may sound smug--even might be :o)--but I hope all of you who read this get through life as well as I have and realize that luck had/has a lot to do with it.

posted on Mar 13, 2008 3:08 PM ()


Few people are able to put their lives into perspective such as you do my friend. When they try it becomes a sad saga of how life has screwed them out of their rewards. Every experience in life (good or bad) is a moment to cherish and take something from
comment by redwolftimes on Mar 14, 2008 5:29 PM ()
What a good life summary! Amazing when we look back and see it all from the other side, isn't it.
comment by teacherwoman on Mar 14, 2008 6:36 AM ()
Martin you've always been interesting to me..Love ya..
comment by elfie33 on Mar 14, 2008 4:42 AM ()
Lucky you!!!
comment by itsjustme on Mar 14, 2008 3:42 AM ()
WOW....What a ride...sounds as if you have had a full life...and wishing you many more adventures!
comment by sybilmariee on Mar 14, 2008 2:31 AM ()
and that is the outlook everyone should have! yes we have problems but its like you say, it made us who we are. I don't have any regrets and I enjoy greeting each new day.
comment by elkhound on Mar 13, 2008 5:06 PM ()
Good for you, Martin. We've lived in extremely interesting and exciting times, that's for sure.
comment by looserobes on Mar 13, 2008 4:51 PM ()
Not only luck,but postive is t he way of living.
Stay postive,you'll be fine.
comment by fredo on Mar 13, 2008 3:45 PM ()

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