Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Life & Events > I Should But I Don't Want To!

I Should But I Don't Want To!

I am sitting here looking at a list I made this past weekend of things I should do and get done this week. There are 19 different items and all I can think of is, “So what if I don’t do it today?”

The world won’t come to an end if (#8) I don’t replant the plants today or plant the rest of the seeds I have. I suppose I could schedule my ultrasound (#5) for next Thursday but the doc didn’t make it sound as urgent and I am not sure if I need one but, then again, with the problems I am having with my legs maybe I should.

I, also, have to reschedule my appointment with my heart doctor (#3) that I had to cancel as it was on the same day that we were going to see “Anything Goes” plus make an appointment with my eye doctor (#19) for my yearly exam plus set up an appointment (#4) for new glasses but that means calling my insurance company and finding a company near me (that isn’t on my list YET!)

Then I have numbers 10, 11 and 12 all having to do with my Leap Year birthday party but that is 9 months away so it isn’t an immediate thing yet I know February will be here before I know it plus I have to get some idea how many people are coming to the 2 different events, particularly out-of-towners but will they even know now?

HA! I can scratch off #1 as I did that yesterday by going to the dentist! And then there are #s 13 and 14 which involves also calling the insurance company and getting new dermatologist and urologist doctors and then calling them to set up appointments. Altogether that are 5 insurance call plus 5 doctor calls and I am not really in the mood to deal with the phone today besides none are a life or death situation--at least today. Also after doing that I will have to arrange for rides (#16) to all of them so if I don’t make those calls today I won’t have to make the other calls!

#12 is to figure out what I did on YouTube that I made my videos private and how to undo it plus I keep putting (#2) delete some of my videos every week and still haven’t done it but then the Internet is still running in spite og it!

#15 is to get birthday cards ready for June, #17 is to pay bills, #18 make the lists for Winn Dixie and Dollar Tree for Thursday plus ‘over the counter items’. I, also, have to call (#6) in some prescription refills and speak to Grant (#7) regarding the great transportation he arranged for me last week.

The world, my world, won’t come to an end if I don’t do any of the above today as Scarlett said “Tomorrow is another day” and being retired I do have tomorrow and if I don’t it won’t make a difference whether I do any of those things or not.

Okay I am off to the beach--will do the list tomorrow--I just put that on the list!

posted on May 20, 2015 8:29 AM ()


The window it is busted and the rain is coming in
If someone doesn't fix it I'll be soaking to my skin
But if we wait a day or two the rain may go away
And we don't need a window on such a lovely day
Manana, manana, manana is soon enough for me
comment by troutbend on May 21, 2015 3:26 PM ()
Written and sung by Peggy Lee who knew what she was talking about!
reply by greatmartin on May 21, 2015 5:42 PM ()

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