Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Health & Fitness > A Visit to the Cardiologist!

A Visit to the Cardiologist!

On July 21, 2008, I had a porcine (yes, they put a pig's in a Jewish boy! And I keep reminding him about it!LOL) aorta valve put in my heart. I was told that the lifespan of one was 8-10 years and though I am not a worrier I did want to know what the signs of it starting to fail were so I would be aware. That meant a trip to my cardiologist which I knew would lead to a second trip for an echo-cardiogram---I hate being right about such things! and I have another appointment for that on November 1.

The doc told me that some have been known to last 20 years and that the 8-10 figure was 'average'. He added that even if something goes wrong they won't have to open my chest again as there are many ways to fix it without that procedure.

Meanwhile, he was quite pleased with what he 'heard' when he listened to my heart. He, also, was happy with my blood pressure reading so all in all things look good.

Talking about being right--on October 29 I go to my vascular surgeon and I know he too will want me to come back for a cat scan of my legs. Why they won't schedule the appointment before I see him so I won't have to go back for a 3rd time for the results I don't know except maybe he wants to buy a new Mercedes only he said next year he wants a Rolls Royce!!

I did enjoy the 'notes' in the cardiologist's men's room--one of the assistants mentioned more pictures are taken of those 2 signs than they take of hearts!

posted on Oct 17, 2018 11:41 AM ()


Your body time is measured in Leap Years, so 8 - 10 years is really quite a bit longer, right?
comment by traveltales on Oct 17, 2018 7:20 PM ()
But I don't if the pig knows that!
reply by greatmartin on Oct 17, 2018 8:27 PM ()
What's going on with your legs? I've been having problems all summer and it seems that they only find the obvious. Now my lower legs just ache and heel pain suggests that I may be getting heel spurs again. Phlebitis, maybe? I have to get to the bottom of it and tell the doc what's going on when I see him in November. Good to hear that you will probably make your 21 birthday!
comment by jjoohhnn on Oct 17, 2018 5:43 PM ()
I have P.A.D.--pherifial artery disease--plaque around my veins cutting off the flow of blood--I can walk for about 2 blocks and my legs lock up and the pain is rough--I stand still for a few seconds and I can walk again. It is/was caused by 2-3 packs of cigarettes every day for 60 years plus all that high cholesterol I ate. I have about 5-6 stents in each leg to help the blood to flow.
So young man it isn't too soon for you to reform yourself!!
reply by greatmartin on Oct 17, 2018 6:31 PM ()
thank you for the update.your going to be around for years.
comment by fredo on Oct 17, 2018 1:43 PM ()
I don't have any plans going anywhere!
reply by greatmartin on Oct 17, 2018 2:45 PM ()

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