It took 2 weeks and a day but the wheelchair that the doctor ordered for me finally arrived. I was lucky that a neighbor had a spare wheelchair--doesn’t everyone?--that I could use
Though I find it easier walking than maneuvering a wheelchair I am not suppose to put any pressure on the knee. I really never knew how hard it was getting around in a wheelchair, just getting it from point A to point B even if it is a straight line. I have really come to admire people who use a manual wheelchair.
It seems wheelchairs come in all sizes and shapes for all sizes and shapes! People have to be measured and weighed to make sure they get the right chair. Then you have choices of fixed or detachable arm rests, fixed, swing and elevating leg rests. There are wheel locks, flip up footplates and we haven’t even discussed colors yet!!
For those who have asked--thanks--I really am not having pain in the knee. All the ‘pain’ comes from having to keep the leg stretched out straight and without going into details there are some things extremely difficult to do. The cast is not the old fashioned white casts that were built around your leg. They are now Velcro and metal casts that can come off and on with ease--well at least until you get to the two bottom attachments and it is almost impossible to keep the leg straight to bind them.
The only time I am suppose to take the brace off is when I shower. Surprisingly I have no trouble sleeping with it. The brace covers from above the knee down to the ankle. The metal bar that goes down the whole back can dig into the top of the foot and the bottom of the thigh so I have sort of ‘lined’ both with a wash cloth!
I fell on May 26 and the Orthopedic Doctor said it would take 6 weeks to heal and then I would have to go into rehab--have no idea what the latter entails or for how long. I suppose I could google it but I will wait. Meanwhile I have an appointment to see him July 6 which would make it 6 weeks--24 days from today-not that I am counting but…
All I keep hearing is that I was lucky that I didn’t break my hip when I fell so that is one positive way of looking at it!
23 and a ½ days to go!
Thanks to Allen, John, Shirley, Irene, Barbara, Bob and Christine for making this ‘adventure’ a little easier!