Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Life & Events > Thoughts in Isolation!

Thoughts in Isolation!

Being in isolation, my mind starts to wander and I wonder if anyone else has thoughts that make them laugh out loud or even just forget what's outside?

I drink more coffee now then I did working as a waiter but I'm glad I gave up smoking 2-3 packs of cigarettes a day in 2008! I can't even imagine how many I would be smoking now and if I could even afford them!

I was going to cut down on using the Internet just before COVID-19 came to us and now I am on it more than ever.

Luckily I had my 21st Leap Year birthday party before the virus hit Fort Lauderdale!

I just want to pass on something I heard yesterday. The owner of a restaurant is asking his customers to order their food to be delivered directly from them instead of a delivery service as he is keeping his staff of servers, bartenders, dishwashers, etc., working by their delivering the food and getting the 30% he has to pay for the service!

Okay, I got the numbers messed up but you'll be able to follow the photos easy enough!

1) I'm so glad my Christmas cactus is blooming for Passover & Easter!

2) So many rules to follow but with the office not allowing anyone in how are we supposed to register our needed visitors?

3) You have to buy what the store offers and who doesn't smile at Mickey Mouse? (An offbeat question/survey: are more people counting how many toilet paper squares they are using? Hey, you're having strange thoughts, too!)

4) I've been subscribing to the Sun-Sentinel for 41 years and about 2 years ago the yearly subscription rate went over $200 so I had to cut back. They offered a Wednesday, Friday and Sunday subscription for $10 a year--yes, you read it right--and I took it! I don't think I looked at the newsstand price since but on Friday I noticed no Showtime plus the whole paper was so thin I glanced at the front page and got sticker shock! $3!! Unbelievable! And newspapers are wondering why people aren't buying the real paper and are going for the digital issues!

5) There are so many rules that I think the office has used up a few of the trees that they removed a couple of years ago!

6) Our poor mail people--they are being treated like lepers--and now they are saying (on the Internet, of course) that unless the government helps them financially there will be no more mail deliveries!

7) That guy looks like he doesn't have a care in the world! What virus? What epidemic?

posted on Apr 4, 2020 3:28 PM ()

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