Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Life & Events > Thin 'N That and Other Things

Thin 'N That and Other Things


A quote I came across that has stayed with me about Art by Andy Warhol:

"They show you what to do, how to do it, when to do it, how to feel about it and how to look at--how do YOU feel about it?!"

a month I go to The Pantry and what I love most about it are the 3
shelves where they have miscellaneous items. I discovered Quinoa there and love it but at the same time this month I found, and tried, Puppodums and don't think I will ever eat it again.

the 300 people living here not ONE will pay more for health care in
2014! And talking to many people I haven't found anyone who will pay
more than they did.

Talking about health care I will be having the left eye cataract operated on December 2--I am not loking forward to that crazy drop(s) schedule! Today I was scheduled for an angiography by my vascular surgeon for January 15 and he thinks he may be able to do 2 out-patient
procedures to make it easier for the blood to flow better between the
veins and easier for me to walk. All that smoking and bad eating habits caught up with me!

Talking about food--who? Me?--I have mentioned the  Pomperdale's Deli right next door to my primary doctor's office which I stop at
AFTER I have seen the doctor! After I have weighed in, had my blood
pressure taken and blood drawn for tests. Last week I was there and they
were having a 'special' of cream cheese, Nova, tomato, onion and
lettuce on a fresh bagel. I hadn't had that in a long time but it was as
good as I remembered it!

along the canal to The Point I've been noticing many schools of fish--I
don't know one from another but they sure are fascinating to watch!

of the many benefits of living at Gateway in South Florida are all the
fauna you are surrounded by and I bring a lot of it into my apartment.
Also many neighbors have gotten together and made courtyards for those
who smoke or meditate or just enjoy Mother Nature.

some people are bothered by the fact that I talk a lot about gay life--
funny but I don't complain when they talk a lot about their nongay life--the kids, grand-kids,
mates, relatives. I read them because it helps me to get to know them.
Why do they read me? And why do they take notes or make notations on my
blogs so they can quote me later? Bloggers are strange people. LOL

Along those lines I have been called some really nasty names by people who don't know me--imagine if they did!

for one rainy and 'coolish' day we have been having perfect 'tourist'
weather--low humidity, sun during the day with temperatures in the high
70s and low 80s while at night it goes down to the high 60s and low
70s--no complaints from me!

one point I had over 6,000 blogs saved but I have systematically been
deleting a lot of them--about 2,000 plus--and though it is a lot of work
I don't see any sense in keeping them. Heck I still don't know why
people save my blogs and when they quote me they usually take it out of
content or misquote me. In fact one person who has never read any of my
books quoted one so badly it had me laughing for quite awhile.

was reading a blog written by a so called 'educated' person with a
degree   who presented themselves like such trailer trash I figured they
must be having a melt down or why would they present themselves as
being so stupid?  Along those lines I have been told I am
passive-aggressive because I won't/dont' mention names and my reaction
is why publicize their stupidity. It was also reported that I was abused
as a child--DUH! What do they know that I don't? 

must say, except for the political blogs which I try to avoid but don't
always, it has been nice and quiet with interesting blogs to read the
past week or two. There are always those into name calling or love to
'expose' people or want to start a 'blog war'  but I have seen very
little of that on the blog sites I have been visiting lately. Oh I know
who to not read so they may still be carrying on but things have been
very civilized even at facebook

less than a week I'll be going to see the touring company of "The Book
Of Mormon" which I am really looking forward to and that will be
followed by the stage version of the movie "Elf" and another version of
"The Wizard of Oz" with the original movie music plus new tunes by
Andrew Lloyd Webber plus 10 other Broadway touring shows not to forget
the concerts by Patti LuPone, Megan Hilty and Megan Mullally. I really
have a good life in my old age!

help myself--this was a comment I made regarding a blogger at another
blog site who lives in Colorado and had a lot of damage to her
property--she was talking about an association meeting and I responded
with, "There are all kinds of associations for residents here in
Florida---homeowners, condo, etc. Even we people living below the
poverty level here at Gateway have a Residents Association and rules
that drive us crazy (like no sex in the driveway!!! Don't ask!)--we are
having re-elections this December--I really think ALL Board members
everywhere in every association wear tin foil hats!!!

(I'm sorry--I don't usually use that language but I love this quote!)

posted on Nov 18, 2013 4:13 PM ()


My friends who saw the Book of Mormon here loved it, but some other people were shocked. Didn't they know what it was about? I saw the PBS Company last week. It was great. Neil Patrick Harris did a great job. Patti Lupone was superb. I still miss Elaine Stritch.
comment by boots586 on Nov 24, 2013 2:47 PM ()
I saw the version of "Company" with Neil on a large screen in a movie house--he did a good job--I don't think Stritch is happy being retired--if you get PBS they are doing a salute to Carol Burnett at 8 PM (Eastern time)
reply by greatmartin on Nov 24, 2013 4:46 PM ()
When I heard there was musical about the Book of Mormon, and people really enjoyed it, I thought I'd heard everything.
comment by troutbend on Nov 18, 2013 4:25 PM ()
Tickets on Broadway are going for $400-500!!!! Down here premium seats are going for $350--and I see it free!!!!
reply by greatmartin on Nov 18, 2013 4:32 PM ()
that was great.Enjoy the reading there my man.
comment by fredo on Nov 18, 2013 4:18 PM ()

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