Summertime is 'frivioulous' time in Fort La-Dee- -actually every time is but that's another blog! 1) And I love the heat and humidity!
9) In the middle of July we had the touring company of "Mamma Mia" and there is always a pre-show
in the lobby! It seems like the show tour comes every year and we will
be seeing it again during this coming theatre season Go to a performance of "Mamma Mia" at the multi-million dollar Broward Performing Arts Center and there is a karaoke machine set up in the
middle of the lobby and the guy, who wears a lampshade as a hat at
parties, throws on a boa and thinks he is ABBA--all 4 members!
5-7) Restaurants have their crazy signs in restrooms, especially the last one--think they are trying to tell Fort Liquerdale men something? Heck it is hot outside and the restaurant bathrooms are cool, with reading material!
Wherever you go you will find a gecko sunning themselves and we have
some really great and/or weird ones with spiral tails. One of these days
I will get pictures of them!
The waters of Karen Bay surround our residence and there is a
continuous flow of yachts, sailboats, dinner boats, people in canoes,
kayaks, rowboats and catamarans not to mention water jet packers making
like James Bond and, of course, paddlers.
& 4) Not too far from where I live is Holiday Park where they have
the War Memorial auditorium presenting all sorts of events like muscle
builders--male and female-- contests, gun shows, antique shows and
concerts. Also there is the Parker Playhouse which I have written about
before. There are all kinds of flowers in bloom and many different
playing fields but the park is probably most famous for the Chris Evett tennis center run by her father. and rain (it's our rainy season) or shine (hey it is Fort Lauderdale) bless the young--2 pm in the afternoon and temps in the mid 90s and they are out there playing tennis!
"Pure and complete sorrow
is as impossible
as pure and complete joy."
Leo Tolstoy
Big discovery today--look for it in Part 5!!! (this was 2 years ago and
I can't wait to read it myself--I don't remember what the Big discovery
was! LOL)