Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Entertainment > 2 Streamming--a Movie

2 Streamming--a Movie

I really hit it good the past week seeing "Spoiler Alert" in the movie theatre which I reviewed and called a "Must See" and the last two days watched 2 very entertaining streaming shows with one a 'must see' and the other strictly for being entertained!

1) "Maja Ma"--Amazon Prime--Indian movie--2 hours & 14 minutes--Synopsis: Pallavi Patel is a middle aged housewife who is as famous for her dancing as she is for her cooking--I was vaguely familiar with the term "Bollywood" and have seen bits and pieces of Indian films and not really in seeing what was available on network TV I saw a mention of this film and decided to give it a try--
WOW! WOW! WOW! First let me give you the definition of Bollywood that I googled:

"What does Bollywood mean? Bollywood is used to refer to Hindi cinema originating in Mumbai, formerly Bombay. Over time, the word has come to refer to not only the Hindi cinema but also to the entire Indian film industry. The word is a takeoff on Hollywood, the B being derived from Bombay, the earlier name of Mumbai. Naseeruddin Shah." I always thought it just referred to the musical numbers done in Indian movies and starting at the end of this film Hollywood, including M-G-M and/or Busby Berkeley, could have taken a few lessons from Indian choreographers--there is so much to rave about in this film but let's start with Madhuri Dixit who plays the mother and wife--she outshines a very strong cast and I really don't want to say anything else but want you to see it unfold from the beginning--I started watching this film not knowing where it was going and it went places I never suspected it would go--don't miss this fascinating film and seeing Dixit for the first time as I did!

2) "Riches"--Amazon Prime--series--season 1--6 episodes--4 hours & 34 minutes--Synopsis: Stephen Richards has built a huge cosmetic company but when he suffers a stroke his family's secrets and lies rise and put the future of the company at stake--this is a soap opera of the likes of "Dallas", "Scandal", "Succession", "Days of Our Lives", "General Hospital"--you name it and "Riches" is its equal--it is a constant who can you trust, who should you trust--who are smarter? His British family or American family?--and that's all I'll tell you--oh, I'll throw in there are 5 kids and all are sharp plus British versus American culture--there is drama,, rage, fights, hostility and FUN! FUN! FUN!

Okay, I'm off to watch Harry & Meghan! :O)

posted on Dec 12, 2022 7:05 PM ()

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