want to count my chickens before they hatch but it looks like we will
be getting tickets for both "Wicked" and "In The Heights" at the end of
this month.
threw a few stray seeds I had last week into a pot and they are growing
pretty fast--unfortunately I forgot what they were. The Dollar Tree is
starting to sell their Spring planting goods so I will probably pick up a
few seed packets every time I go there.
March 13, 2008, ever since he stopped blogging, for many reasons, I
have kept the last PM Vladimir sent me in hope he would return but I
guess it is not to be. He really was a top blogger--too bad he let
people chase him off as he didn't want to waste his time with their
It looks like I've
broken my New Year's resolution--actually I don't know that I kept them
after a couple of weeks--the first was to keep my blogs under 300 words
(right now this is 171 words) and the second was to proof read my
comments before I hit 'post'--I am doing it more than I have but not as
much as I should--I mean to send a teacher (Kath) misspelled words isn't
a smart thing to do!
By the way I
love it when people who present themselves as perfect and just too-too
don't spell check their writings or use there for their, as an example,
before proofing and posting their blogs/comments!
Every time I look at this part of the wall and see how many shows I have posted on
since she made me her site's drama critic I get a big smile on my
face--along with the thought that I have, easily, saved over $700
getting house seats for doing something I thoroughly enjoy!
was interested in reading a couple of blogs by white, christian,
conservative men saying that they block all underage kids, are afraid to
interact with teenagers on the blog site---what's behind that? Are they
afraid of being caught doing something 'wrong'?
a blog the other day where people were outraged about sex being taught
in school--subjects like oral sex, condoms, anal sex, STD's,
etc.--when in reality most kids know very little about sex, don't think
oral sex is sex, don't know how to put on a condom so that it doesn't
break and how more effective it is in preventing STDs and pregnancy than not using it--I know how stupid kids are--educated
or not--when it comes to sex as I see the results in the volunteer work I
do. I will definitely write a blog about it though I know it won't change their mind one bit!
A quote from the health department, "Adolescents and pre-adolescents have sex whether you give them condoms or not."
Should I continue to grow the goatee/Van Dyke or cut it off?
"As life is action and passion,
it is required of man the he should share
the action and passion of his time,
at peril of being judged
not to have lived."
Oliver Wendell Holmes 1809-1894 American Writer & Physician
532 words :O)